Balance of Power

Balance of Power is so confusing.

The requirements from WowHead Balance of power

Part 1 says image of Kalec and I did
/script print(IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(110768)) for the Quest ID Image of Kalec giving me FALSE

but the quest THE POWER WITHIN gives me TRUE

The only way to get IMAGE OF KALEC is finishing your Order Hall Campaign, Achievements are : A Glorious Campaign, Forged for Battle, and Roster of Champions.

I have all of those completed and the Azsuna Matata completed.

I don’t know what else I can do. I’m pretty sure I don’t need to wait 1-3 days for the Image of Kalec to appear since I’ve done Legion and been doing Mythics in BFA.

Im at a lost where I am at. All my quests are BFA related besides a quest I took called “Soul prism of the Illidari” and Idk if that even relates to this.


There is no questID with that high of a number in the game right now. Like for example this quest:
the one for the pre-order has a questID half of that.

The number you are putting in is the ID for the Image of Kalec NPC that gives said power within quest.

The soul prism of the illidari is the 7.1ish questline designed to lead into what we do to resurrect Illidan in Nighthold.

If you have the power within quest flagged as true, go down the line and look at the questID in the url on wowhead to see if you have completed said quest already.

Aight but Im still lost because i did the requirements to get the first quest but im not getting it.

You are doing this on your druid correct? Because there are 4 different variants of the quest. One if you did the defend blue dragons in azsuna, one if you did not, a third if you did defend as a mage, and the last as a mage if you did not.

Copy this:


first into the parenthesis command and check for the response.

On my Druid (this one) It is TRUE.
/script print(IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(43496))
is what i did on /say

Ok the next quest in the chain is

Remember has to be done on mythic.
After you check that quest with the questID

40668 (put this number in like the one before)

You will need to go to the wowhead link you put in your original post and go down the chain to see what quests you have completed. You do that by inputing the number in url like you have done for the prior 2 quests. Once you reach a point that says false that is the quest you are currently on. I am going to have to step away to finish stuff up so I can’t walk you all the way through this.

/script print(IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(40668)) is TRUE

Thanks for all your help. This is too confusing to try to get back on. I’ll try to trial and error each quest on WOWHEAD til FALSE pops up. Til then I’ll keep trying or go back to mythics in BFA with my trash bear model.

Have you tried seeing if Kalec is already spawned at Kalegos? It’s been a few months since I completed BoP on an alt and he was waiting there for me and I don’t remember him ever being in my order hall.

Hope you figure it out!