I’m not heated nor attempting to be “popular.” I believe in the topic and dislike belittling someone’s ideas.
I’m sorry if I caused you any anxiety.
I’m not heated nor attempting to be “popular.” I believe in the topic and dislike belittling someone’s ideas.
I’m sorry if I caused you any anxiety.
I already recanted whatever I said that might have been belittling to actual players. But this idea is stupid!
Admittedly I haven’t actually done it on all classes yet, but what experience I had last time I was doing Balance of Power was that if I just looked at the questline as just a collection of transmog runs, it went by pretty painlessly.
(or are we talking about the extra steps to unlock extra tints? That stuff I’ve made less progress on, I admit; but it seems to me that if ever there was a place for a brutally long grind, a legendary appearance would be it)
Yeah, make everything account wide!
Yup a whole 3 super duper unbelievably insanely long weeks to get a dumb lame ugly appearance that clearly is a waste of time that doesnt even deserve a tread…oh wait
Nah, balance of power is tedious.
So are the things you listed though.
And hey, if you really want to do that god awful questline on every character, the option would still be there for you
The issue is that people want to use the strawman of “but it’s not hard.”
Yeah, and that’s what makes it even worse tbh. If it was a fun challenge on each class I would gladly do it. But it is “Do the same quests you have done a million times and grind world quests until your eyes bleed”. It’s just not fun to do lol
Prop tip for everyone here:
Use chromie death scenario to farm your reps with badges during timewalking weeks. So many more badges earned than doing dungeons. And avoids the WQ burnout that people somehow get.
Also rep tokens from legion tables help and once exalted on a character they become BoA.
Sure… Why not!! I just don’t want to repeat doing the whole chain quests and rep grinds for all my alts just for a transmog skin.
Who is we? I am fine grinding it again if ever need too?
Did you finish the Feral Mage Tower on a Druid during Legion? If so, you can still get the purple sparkle kitty, no carry needed.
Get the Druid that unlocked the base sparkle kitty MT appearance to max level, and gear them up as much as you care to. (For example, 252 Cypher gear from Zereth Mortis and 259 max upgraded Honor weapons and trinkets from unrated PvP should be a good start.)
Then look for YOLO and/or low CR (current rating) groups in the Rated BG part of the PvP group finder. Rating doesn’t matter. Losses don’t matter. Just keep going until you get 10 wins. Try your best to help the group and focus on objectives. Be ready for PUGs that disband after one loss. But sometimes even YOLO groups use Discord, and make friends, too!
Many groups are farming rated BGs during peak play times, especially now that there is no Conquest cap and the Spoils of War bonus is in effect.
As of 9.2, the “A New Deal” weekly quest can also be helpful in helping you to earn free PvP trinkets, and after doing it for 5 weeks and choosing all the trinket options, you earn 3000 Honor each week, so you could theoretically gear up over time without doing unrated BGs first.
Git tha kittay!!!
It required 10 RBG wins. I am on a level 50 account.
I didn’t really care that much about it being account wide, but after reading some of the soys on here who ran through it 12 separate times and don’t want it to be account wide, I now DEFINITELY want it to be account wide.
Ion already acknowledged that players like feeling like the PLAYER, not having each character be a completely different blank slate. If they want a system like that, then there should be the ability to play every class and do everything on 1 character like ff14
It’s actual “hours”. Preparing a class to hit current max level, getting the gear through 500 amina each, doing the quest lines over and over (if you haven’t already finished the class halls) and then waiting for certain quest items to drop at a rng-based chance.
One time is enough.
OIC, if you had gotten the 10 RBG wins back then, you could be enjoying the purple sparkle kitty now on your level 50 account, but being locked to level 50 you can’t even do the RBGs now.
If you ever do decide to upgrade your account, I actually think that the 10 wins are easier now that people are doing RBGs for gearing purposes. (In Legion, PvP gearing was awful and it seemed like only the hardcore PvP people were doing RBGs for achievements and/or rating.)
But carries were cheap and gold was plentiful.
The thing that gets me is that the story is the exact same for all the classes. If it was a unique story, sure yeah I could understand. But it’s not, it’s not like the Class Mounts in legion that has a story for each class, it’s the exact same thing for all of them.
It is nothing to do with prestige - maybe that’s your problem you think it is prestigious to have them.
It has to do with mixing up content. I don’t do things like this in a row on multiple characters. But it is a nice little bit of something to do once or twice a year. In 6 to 8 years I will have them all. Unlike so many others in this game, I don’t need to have something right away - I can wait 8 years…
Thanks, but no. Doing stuff a couple of times is nice, having to grind it 12+ times to unlock on every class becomes tedious