Balance of Power Acc Bound

What makes this stranger of a request, imo, is that it isn’t like all characters get the same weapon. This achievement has value to complete on a new class if you want a skin you otherwise do not have available.

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Same thing for earning the pvp weapons once you get the honor level every single pvp weapon is unlocked with every color. Which they said was harder to do than the quest chain.

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It’s not even grindy. Like you cry about this but where were are the real complaints about making the box of many things account-wide or the horrific visions research account wide. Doing those things (nay the entire activity of torghast/HVs) was dogtier.

Like why is no one complaining about how blizz KNOWS pvp gearing sucks right now and they are fixing it in DF. But we somehow HAVE to accept the terrible upgrading process on characters until then?

You are being nitpicky for literally the most trivial thing.


Can you put on your mop cloak during timewalking if you didn’t earn it on that toon? No you can’t because it’s removed content. That’s what we should be discussing. Tue removal of prestigious content for no good reason. Not having it available still five years later.

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Go make a post and stop crying about my oh so grindy request then

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Cause yours is file 13 quality. And bad inquiries confuse blizz.

Sure, why not? And I earned it back when it was current content with a super casual guild who wasn’t even that good at the game. Took us six months.

If it’s an achievement, I say let it be account wide. No one said people still couldn’t run stuff if they wanted to. You’ve got that choice.

You’re raging over a transmog. A transmog. And it’s not even a challenge mode. :roll_eyes:

Same goes for the PvP achievement, yet I have those unlocked account wide for every single class.

It’s not weird.

They exist. Many many times. Poor attempt.

It’s been talked about. One person’s idea doesn’t mean it’s their only idea. Good lord. :roll_eyes:

And you’re raging over literally the most trivial thing.

It’s a forum for an MMORPG. People have different opinions and priorities. Get over yourself.

Imagine one day if we do a rep grind on an account, its done and over for all toons.

Are you speaking to a mirror right now?

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Trivial? More like tedious. It’s boring and it isn’t fun to do on every character I want a weapon transmog on. They should just make it account-wide.

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Apparently that makes people scream and rage, as if it doesn’t exist in other games or would somehow ruin their game.

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Damn dude. Are you okay?

Proof positive you have nothing of value to add here. Goodbye.

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I’m not raging. I’m just realizing this is why blizzard resists listening to player feedback. Were I a dev reading this I would be rolling my eyes so hard and saying “these people just don’t wanna do the work for prestigious content” and move on to making some system no one will like.


Tedious is socket farming. Or getting smurfed in arena or sitting in queue with your key for an hour with people applying like 1k+ rating below yours on their main (no I don’t restrict cause sometimes you get rough diamonds or seasoned people applying on fresh alts and thus history to prove play).

Those things are tedious.


Unless you’re a seasoned vet in arena, do not que for your own sanity. Even then It is still a mess.

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Exactly. Prestige has an actual meaning.


You might want to go play some other MMORPGs that are still running and understand how the world works outside of one game.

Good to know you want to kill games out of spite. :+1:

BoP was never prestigious. :rofl:

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It’s just stupid how they haven’t managed to fix that. Like you have people farming glad wins sometimes using a character’s placement games. That sort of clown matchup should not happen.

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It all means nothing to me anymore. Too many ppl buy or get carried by friends. I could go on and on. But, w/e tickles your fancy.

I value my BP and relaxing now :slight_smile: