Balance not Balanced

I genuinely do not want to complain, I’m just sad and disappointed. I’ve devoted so much time and effort into my class. I love druids and I really want to enjoy this character. I don’t have the time or energy to roll another class. All I ask is to not be punished for wanting to play a boomy.

Can we do something positive for our class please? This xpac has been so much fun with 1 exception, and that’s the fact that I’m having to play more hours and min max my gear to the best of my ability and play every dps encounter flawlessly just to be relevant in damage. I’m not going to directly compare classes but just please give us good news and soon.

p.s. I’m a Software Developer with a degree in Media Arts and Animation. Hit me up, I’ll give you ideas if you’re out of them.

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…in pve? It’s my understanding they’re quite good in that regard.

They’re good in really high mythic plus when mobs don’t die within 40 seconds. But that’s it. Even in raid they’re sub par, you’ll only see them showing up in council and that’s basically it. One shouldn’t have to be pushing 23+ keys to be relevant. Even then they hitting 500 bpm just to keep up sometimes.