Balance leveling tips

I haven’t played druid in years think it is gonna be my main this go round

To the point i need tips to level as balance it seems like damage is slow solo. With waiting on dots an and eclipse to kick in mobs are on top of yea with out much damage taken. What are the must have balance talents and rotation for open world leveling?

I leveled this character years ago as feral and guardian and I understand that may still be the way to go but I would like to give balance a go and I”m lost. Thanks!

The starter talent build is pretty decent on the balance tree, but I recommend buying into some of the class talents in the left/center to grab Killer Instinct and Thick Hide. You should also pursue the healing talent Renewal to get an instant cast heal on a long cooldown as it can help. Balance druids don’t have the strongest of defensive capability, so those talents will help. Typhoon, Cyclone, and Mass Entanglement are also nice talent spells to keep enemies from hitting you. Do not neglect Regrowth as you may have to self heal often.

Balance should have enough damage output to slay your enemies and get you up in levels (I leveled from 60-70 in Dragonflight as Balance), but it does have ramp-up time due to casting Moonfire and Sunfire before nuking with Wrath or Starfire to get into an Eclipse state. If you have trouble killing things, seek out a weapon upgrade because we are very dependent on our weapon for good damage output.

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use celestial alignment on cd during lvling imo, not worth holding, if you get into the habit of holding it just in case, you’ll end up never using it.


For leveling or doing open world stuff I like to talent into Treants, Typhoon, Shrooms, Vortex, & 1 min Convoke. You can pull large mob packs, control their behavior, and rot them with some additional spikiness. KotG hero option is going to boost the use of Treants.