We just dont do enough damage to compete… I parsed a 90 on a heroic boss and was beaten in damage by a warrior parsing a 70. I am a decent player that doesn’t mind doing mechanics. Right now, I feel like I am relying on that aspect of my gameplay to bring value to the raid. We got AotC this week and plan on going into mythic next week and there is a real fear that I will be benched. Wowhead just posted week two stats for raid and Balance is second from the bottom and it feels bad.
Is there any hope for Blizzard to bring Balance Druid more in-line with the other damage dealers? Maybe I should stick to mythic plus? Or, maybe PoE2 Druid will turn out to be fun and I can invest my time and resources into that game instead. Sad druid main is sad.
While balance buffs would be appreciated - we are down there - don’t care what your spec is, any guild that benches a top 10% parser in their spec because they think you aren’t doing enough damage, is out of their mind IMHO and is guaranteed to be misdiagnosing the problem.
If the guild has actually communicated this to you, get a better guild.
unfortunately, that was my best performance on a single encounter. I am usually in the 80% range depending on what mechanics i get put on. Moving from a 25-30 man heroic clear into a 20 man mythic roster, the fear is real that damage output will be one of the deciding factors. When a player can do 70% of the best and out damage another player doing 90% of the best it just doesnt feel good. I enjoy getting better on fights each week, but I need too many reps on bosses to eek out every last bit of damage i can… unfortunately, I may not get that opportunity with the current state of our single target damage. AoE and M+ we are in a good place.
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Ah okay, that does make more sense. Part of the reason why my guild never Mythic raids - the logistics are just too hard. We get AOTC with over 20, then usually just call it there since no one wants to organize the ratsnest that is keeping a roster of 21-25 people, with 1-4 very eager to show up every night to not play the game because they don’t do enough in a raid to justify their spot unless we’re desperate.
Yet you need that because life happens and at least 1 of the 20 people in your guild is likely to have an issue come up during the week.
Anyway, yeah, hope we get buffed. Being benched while doing good parses has got to be one of the worst feelings.
I mean, Balance is right there in our spec name. Shouldnt we be somewhere in the middle of the pack?
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I wonder where Balance is going to be with those.
Just above Aug evoker with their 15% buff to all damage i suspect. Looking at some of my logs it appears to be about 2 or 3% single target buff which isn’t nothing. But it’s also not a whole lot either. Other specs are getting more and are already putting up higher single target numbers. I dont know, ill have to see come tuesday.