The Balance Druid talent Denizen of the Dream spawns small dragons that last for 30s and stand still wherever they spawn. The reason this makes them consistently pull packs in M+ are the following:
- They do no go into stealth meaning if you have them up and either Prowl or go into a Shroud of Concealment they will just follow you and pull whatever they walk past.
- They spawn in an area around you and have a large aggro range so if you are standing close to a pack but not pulling them and they happen to spawn towards that pack they will pull it.
- Due to their extremely long duration they will automatically pull anything that will ever patrol wherever you are standing. It is very common to run past patrols and pull mobs to pull them elsewhere but if Denizen procs during this time they will stand there and pull the patrol when it comes back.
Optimally I wish all these problems would be fixed but it would already be a huge improvement if they stealthed since this is the only one without any counterplay. It happens in basically every dungeon and can sometimes force you to afk for a full 30 seconds just because a Denizen spawned just before a pack died.