Balance Druid Root + Silence

Hi, I was watching some stream and the guy said the reason (resto) shamans are good into balance is because they can escape the root + silence bean easily while holy priests on the pvp event were mostly gnomes so they could do that.

My question is, how do shamans escape that combo? I’m new to shaman and I just sit there like a dummy…

Spirit walk

Towards the bottom right side of the shaman class talent tree there is a mobility choice node with gust of wind and Spiritwalk. Spirit walk breaks roots on activation and has the same cooldown as beam.

Keep in mind you may need to get the 20 second CDR for spirit walk. If a blumkin locks you out on cast it makes the CD 45 seconds instead of 1 min. So you run the risk of not being able to spirit walk the 2nd root beam.