Balance Druid Question!

What affinity talent did you guys go with? I went with resto affinity cause I’m mostly PvE and love the survivability of it. Anyone else?

Resto is usually the best one for PVE. The survivability helps, and for some of the nastier weeks like Bursting or Grievous you can help out the healer. In raids, consider Guardian for all those times you have to run something out of the group and might outrange the healers.

Resto is definitely very strong. I keep swiftmend regrowth and wild growth keybound and use them frequently. Swiftmend and wild growth will take you out of moonkin form while regrowth will not (regrowth you get regardless of your affinity). I almost never bother with rejuv because the only time it is worth spending the extra global to get back into moonkin form is during phase 2 of mekkatorque when there is nothing to dps.

Swiftmend is absolutely worth it by itself. I favor that over lock rocks and healing potions because of its reusability. It has saved my skin more times than I know.

Guardian is good IFF (if and only if) you absolutely need the 6% DR or you have to soak something with bear form and SI.

Feral is only worth it IFF you need the run speed increase where sprint and disengage are just not enough.

Resto is vastly superior in the far majority of situations.

Resto Affinity. I love swift mend.

Usually resto for current content, guardian if soaking is needed, and I use feral whenever I solo more trivial things for the extra speed.

Thanks guys!

REsto for me and i mostly casual pvp

i can cast most of my boomy spells in caster form (dont get the moonkin form buff but thats not a huge loss) I cannot do so in feral or bear form so the extras of those affinities are not valueable unless u do a lot of shifting. For me the extra shifting just isn’t worth it. for the stuff i get with resto: swiftmend regrowth, and wildgrowth, those r worth swapping forms for and casting them all at once (blows all the manna i have as boomy) and then i can stay in caster form and keep spaming wrath/sunfire/moonfire/etc. or i can take the time to swap back for the moonkin buff and then go back to spamming dps.

Resto for pve. Guardian for pvp.

That’s it.