Balance druid or Destruction warlock?

I would like to alt a dps caster and I am thorn between balance druid and destro warlock.

I have tried both and they seem to be fun. Because my limit time, I would like to play only one. What do you guys recommend me or what would you do if you were in my situation?

  1. What spec has better engaging rotation? (your opinion)
  2. Better spell animations?
  3. Better soloing/survivability?
  4. Better at pvp?
  5. Better at pve?

From what I have seen, Balance druids are basically super saiyans while warlocks are above average joe that needs to work 3 jobs to keep afloat.


You see the warlock forums compared to the druids.

Warlocks current iteration is fatiguing and inferior to the massive damage and control a balance druid brings. Not to mention it’s other three specs which allows for different gameplay if one was to get bored.

Warlocks are okay but I priomise you will see how much better a balance druid performs and become disappointed if you play warlock right now at 60.

However if you can get past doing less damage and having clunky specs the whole aesthetic of warlock is pretty fun. The class mount from legion is in my opinion the best of all the classes and makes me feel more warlocky. Having a demon beside me makes me feel pretty cool when a low level walks past me. Warlock is also pretty fun in PvP when no one targets you (but thats very rarely the case, people see warlocks casting and instantly know its an easy kill.) But at this point warlock is all about perspective and how you can make the best of it. There is a chance down the line blizzard hears our cries and makes adjustmentss, but for now that isn’t the case and who knows how long it’ll take for them to apply the perhaps massive changes that some specs need.

I main a lock and i have a druid alt (not max level).

  • What spec has better engaging rotation? (your opinion) Balance
  • Better spell animations? Destruction
  • Better soloing/survivability? They are both good enough you wont have problem soloing content but locks have a pet so i would say Destuction specially if you can’t cc mobs. Both Starfall and Infernal are super strong to clear a bunch of lesser mobs quickly.
  • Better at pvp? I have not done pvp on my Balance in SL so i don’t know.
  • Better at pve? Balance in all situations

Well Balance Druids are extremely boring to play (imo) so if you’re OK with that and looking like a goofball chicken (or glyphed into a weird psuedo starry form and not a bada** warlock) go for it.

I have a 30 something boom chicken…doesn’t feel as engaging as my lock. Only ability that really sticks out to me is starfall, otherwise it feels kind of boring. I like Destro’s chaotic/fiery nature, and nothing makes me feel more badass than a giant meteor infernal crashing into the ground when it’s time for big DPS.

This is a masterpiece. It’s so painfully true.

A lot of the time, you have to work so hard on a lock just to get small reward windows. It feels great, but a lot of the time it’s barely noticeable to others.

It’s like getting promoted from burger flipper to lead burger flipper. It feels good to you with a small pay bump but to anyone else, you’re still flipping burgers.


this is how specs stand in heroic raid so far

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lol look at survival!

It’s hard for me to get into playing a fat boom chicken…

For what it’s worth, I don’t think the starry form is bad at all. It looks pretty awesome with the right mog, like the mythic set from Nighthold.

So the 2 bottom tier specs, Feral and Survival are now even or above Shadow Priest? The Spec everyone said was busted?

Yeah, im going with no one knows what they are talking about. I swear nothing anyone says ends up being true.

These are actual logs so its a little more damning, but ill give it a couple weeks and let our Immortals start rolling out and then we can go to the charts again.

We are basically budget boomkins atm.

I still enjoy my Slow cast weak starsur-chaosbolts

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You have healthstones and gates/portals!

And a pet! Or half a pet anyway. :rofl:

who needs portals when you can break any snare or root you want and go faster without bleeding health to do it? Why have a healthstone when you can just swap to healing spam? It’s not like you have to worry about mana.

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