Balance Druid Looking for CE/M+ guild- Area 52

Above Average Player coming back from BFA to TWW to raid and M+. Was a 90%-95% parser on Mythic raid to give you an idea of skill level. Love to push keys highest i peaked in BFA was +19s and +20s for every dungeon. Looking to play with good players but not hardcore. CE focused

Summit Gaming is coming back for future xpacks and end game content. We are looking for a good ranged dps and some solid healers to push mythic end game content, we are open to experienced raiders and officers to join our core, currently for some heals and ranged dps, melee spots open WW Monk, Havok dh both in high demand!

Raid times
Wednesday Thursday 730-1030 east
Discord: Force9014
Bnet: Force#1405
Bnet: Grunkleg#1670
Bnet: Krispyish#1937


I have a group of players to clear out AOTC and potentially move into early mythic. We are raiding tues/thurs 8-11PM CST.

Some of the players are casuals, and I am returning from as recent as 100s and 99 parsing tank in mythic VOTI. If you would like to join as a balance druid, add my btag Taengoo#1990 to get some current parses in and if you would like to jump ship and move to an established CE guild that is 100% fine with us.

Hello I am starting a one night a week raid focused on AoTC/Gearing. It is a sunday raid starting at 7PM MTN. Please feel free to reach out or check out my post!

< A.T.S >

Low drama, focused and stress-free raiding on US-Proudmoore

Founded amidst the anticipation of a new expansion with a collective vision of achieving greatness in raiding, A.T.S boasts a roster brimming with passionate and skilled players eager to push the boundaries of what’s possible!

We’re seeking like-minded individuals who are passionate about raiding and eager to contribute their skills to our collective success. Whether you’re a battle-hardened veteran or a rising star looking to prove yourself, we welcome players who share our commitment to excellence and teamwork.

We are looking for players who:
1.Constantly look for areas of self-improvement are willing to accept and act on constructive feedback.
2.Want to be a part of a non-toxic raid environment.
3.Are able to commit to reliable attendance during our raid hours
4.Are willing to prioritize mechanics over parses are motivated to research fights through videos/logs/guild strat materials and come prepared

Our goal is clear: to tackle the highest content possible, while maintaining a balanced and enjoyable gaming experience/ Environment.

Current Progression: Rebuilding (Core team is composed of Veteran players Vault/Aberrus 8/8H Amirdrassil 4/9H)

Need Ranged DPS!
Current Plan is to Raid 2 Nights a week

7pm-10pm PST
6hrs a week

If interested add Mally#1783 :smiley:

If your still looking, feel free to check us out

Highly interested, Link is below and would love to talk more.

Hello : )

Our guild is Ferk. We raid Tues/Thurs 7-10pm EST. We have a lot of experience with mythic raiding… Previous AOTC. We also love pushing high M+ keys. BTAG Souvenir#1943 if you have any questions.

Hey Weiyan,

Bunny Slippers Cult is a group of friendly misfit toys, looking to add to our AOTC focused raid team and Mythic+ teams. We raid Wed. 7-9 pm and Sat. 7-10 pm Est time. We are looking for all positions to fill out our raid team. We were AOTC on all raids last xpac.

What can we offer, you ask? We got the auras that make the girls cry and our feasts taste like despair. We got mogs for days. What we expect from our raiders: attendance and willingness to improve. Not looking for perfection, but kindly giving each other tips is on our list. Most importantly, don’t be that guy, no one likes that guy.

This message has been censored approved.

If you are interested in trying us out, please contact Slippersocks at: Slippersocks#11591 or discord: slippersocks and Nix would also love to hear from you. You can contact him at btag Gimmicks#1671

6/8 H Guild Tue/Wed From 5:30-9:30 PST looking to jump into mythic asap and finish rounding up the roster. Long lasting guild with over 10+ years of playing together. _.neonblade is cord if interested

Sicily US - Area 52 is a AOTC/Mythic + focused guild that is looking to increase the size of its ranks in order to take on The War Within. Led by multiple experienced Mythic/CE raiders, who are tired of the burn out and grind that comes with Mythic raiding, and are looking to create a more chill and fun environment where we can all come to have fun! While we are seeking to finalize our core raid team with players looking to have fun in raid, while also experiencing a good time in other aspects of the game such as PVP and M+. In the long run, we will be seeking to clear Heroic content at a casual but efficient pace, while also pushing higher end Mythic + and PVP content. As our core is a group of close friends who enjoy raiding with each other in a respectful environment, we would love to welcome you into our community as we take on the challenge of end-game content, and prepare for The War Within Expansion.

Current Raid Times/Days: Thursday : 7:00 P.M - 9:00 P.M EST
Sunday: 7:00 P.M - 9:00 P.M EST

Recruitment Needs:


What we Offer:

  1. Gems/Flasks/Enchants/Mats for all our core members.
  2. Repairs during raid times.
  3. Very friendly and active environment/guild chat that often talk and play games with each other not only in WoW but outside of the game as well.
  4. Your new home that will last all throughout The War Within.

What we expect from our raiders:

  1. Commitment to the Group, helping others, and creating a fun environment for all to enjoy.
  2. Be prepared and perform to the best of your ability.
  3. Most importantly, BE RESPECTFUL. Drama will not be tolerated.

If you are interested in joining, apply using the following link:

If you have any other questions or are interested in joining, please contact those listed below…

GM - BTAG: Takeflight#11670
Raid Leader - BTAG: evvs#1490

Not sure if you have found a guild or not - let me know if you’re still looking. Cookie Takers

Discord: disentikxi

Bump thank you

We are Nap Time, a reforming guild aiming for CE every tier this expansion! We are looking to fill out some DPS spots and are in need of a druid. Our raid days are Fri/Sat 9pm-12am PST. We also have many people that will be pushing m+! If you’re interested in learning more, feel free to reach out to either me or my GM.

Discord: divineboredom or jlj0027 (GM)

Hi! Im going to leave my guild information here, if its something you think would work out for you I would love to get in touch!

Raid nights- Weds/Thurs/Monday * 8PM - 11PM EST
< I I I > Is currently recruiting for TWW. Our goal for Empire is to build a community of players who are looking for something different. We want to go back to how guilds used to be. We want to make friends, kill bosses, and have fun doing it. We are ready to have fun guild-wide events on nights we aren’t raiding, doing M+ or PVP again. However, this is not a casual raiding guild. Our raid environment is one where we respect each other. We work together as team to be better and you will be expected to do the best that you can. Our goals for TWW are to get AoTC and into Mythic with Cutting Edge in mind. This means that we expect to advance to AoTC fairly quickly, and move on to Mythic difficulty. We will hit mythic hard and get as far as we can.

We are currently 4/8H 8/8N Nerub-ar Palace. Raid nights are Weds/Thurs/Monday * 8PM - 11PM EST. Monday will be mandatory and used during progression (the first month or two). Afterwards it will be an optional heroic/alt clear.

Current needs:
Tank - Currently Closed
Healer - Accepting exceptional applicants!
DPS - DK, Druid (feral or boomkin!), DH
If your class is not listed but you feel like our team is right for you, don’t hesitate to reach out!

Recruitment Contacts-
Discord- bubbli. (with a period at the end), haytred
Btag- Tellu#11210, Haytred#1922

Bump thanks