Balance Druid LF AOTC Guild on Frostmourne

Hi all,

I’m currently looking to join a raid team in an AOTC Guild that also does M+ to go into TWW with. I’m also not opposed to Mythic raiding and keen to get back into it.

I plan to continue with my Balance Druid but will be looking to explore some other Druid specs and Classes so I can be flexible.

I started playing WoW when the Nighthold was the current tier in Legion. By the end of Legion my best progression was 6/11M Antorus. Shortly after BFA released I dropped the game and went on a hiatus til now. Main reason for the hiatus was that the guild I was a part of fell apart and I struggled to find a spot in a new guild at the start of BFA.

I’m a player that’s always looking to improve, frequently sim my class to ensure I’m getting the most out of my class. Study Raid/Dungeon instances throughly prior to starting etc.

I’m available any night for raids with the only issue being that I’m in the GMT-8 Timezone and would need raid nights to be on the later side of the SVT. Raids starting 09:30 - 10:00PM SVT or later would be ideal.

If you think that I could be a good fit for your team and guild please reach out either by commenting below or PM me on my Bnet.

Bnet: Ceaz:11567

Thanks :slight_smile:

Bump… Don’t want to play TWW guildless :cry:


Check out our recruitment page:

if this sounds like your jam, please flick me a PM!

