Balance Druid Changes

Trust, it has nothing to do with his post count that make him a loser, it just supports the notion he is.

Because for boomy to meet those “max” rankings they have to be spoon fed PI and or use Troll racial.

The fact that boomy is the HARDEST dps class to play in cata, the proof would be that it has the widest range between good to bad performances, and they just made it even more complicated is rediculous. The difference between a good dk and bad dk is negligent, good fire mage bad fire mage neglagent, good ele bad ele neglegent, This change made the stretch from good boomys and bad boomys even wider which is why they stayed at the bottom but the highest of parses stayed mid.

Nerfing a playstyle that wasn’t used and making it harder for the average boomy to get a decent opener and maintain trinket/pre-pot/cooldown alignment with their convoluted rotation just hurt the class as a whole. bad players got worst, good players pretty much stayed the same.

I parse 95-98’s on most fights. My med. pref average is a 92 and my best pref average is a 96, But even though I’m parsing non-stop orange other classes that are literally parsing blues are doing more damage. It’s not like we got more utility to make up for the lack of dmg, in fact we LOST utility.

Before the change there was at least consistency and bringing a boomy to the raid wasn’t a complete crap shoot. Now with the change you have no idea if the boomy is going to be doing 15k dps or 30k+ dps. It just feels like crap. At least with a mage, dk, shaman, hunter, warrior, rogue, priest, or lock you know those classes are near impossible to screw up unless you just aren’t pressing buttons. You know they bring 20k-40k+ dps to every fight.

The only thing this change did was make under preforming boomys preform worse, and buffed boomy for pvp. The boomys that actually played the class at it’s peak didn’t see a damage drop, they just got their trinket/pre-pot/cooldown rotation and opener nerfed so it feels like crap while buffing their 4th highest damage source to equal it out. All it did was add more complexity to an already very complex dps class.

Most classes that snapshot things have talents that let them refresh the snapshot and nothing special happens except “oh i got a trinket proc lets use a cooldown and buff this snapshot up” boomy has to look to snapshot new dots every 18 seconds of the fight. Trinket proc? refresh dots that were just cast 3 seconds ago, Lust popped? refresh dots that were just cast 5 seconds ago, Tailor cape proc? did I refresh dots previously with trinket proc up? now I have to decide what was the higher spell power value before refreshing, I got trinket/cape procs, but I’m not in eclipse state should I still refresh dots? etc., etc., etc. No other class actually has to consider those things. Most classes that get a damage ability proc just use it immediately, not boomy you have to worry about how close you are to eclipse state to decide if you use it or wait till eclipse state, every other dps can blow their cooldowns on opener with pre-pot and again once their trinket procs/engi gloves are up. Not boomy we have to judge it based on all those things + how close are we to eclipse state, will we make it there before trinket/lust/dps pot falls off? guess we use it outside of eclipse state if those are going to fall off and lose damage. Is Aoe about to take place? welp 10 seconds till adds spawn guess i sit in solar and lose damage casting starfire so i have burst aoe with mushrooms when adds spawn.

No other class has even 1/3rd of the considerations boomy has to think about during their rotation. The change just made it that much more difficult to line cooldowns/trinket procs/engi gloves/dps potions up with your rotation making the class even more complicated.

So even if people did snapshot mastery for fights what does that hurt? They clear trash faster? Do more aoe dmg for halfus? Do more damage on parasites on magmaw that typically just get kited and aren’t killed anyway? Do more damage to skeletons on Nef that again… just get kited anyway? At least for those boomys who were doing this and getting the extra Aoe dmg in to help on some fights had a purpose for being there, because it sure as heck wasn’t the 5% mana from innervate or the battle res that 2 other mainstream classes bring to the table (typical 25 man probably has 5 other battle reses without a boomy) the haste buff that other classes bring, the 8% magic damage buff that other classes bring, and it DEFINATELY isn’t for the single target boss damage.

So I ask again, if you are going to make changes to nerf a spec based on a playstyle that can MAYBE out preform the normal way of playing the spec on one or two fights, are we going to nerf other classes for the same reason? What about fire mage’s pyroblast having no cooldown so on cho’gal they can just instant cast spam it over and over again at full corruption? you going to put a 10 second cooldown on pyroblast to stop a spec from abusing that mechanic? And just have their cooldown reset on hot streak procs?


what he just said is 100% accurate! like i said they killed Moonkin but mean while on my hunter i press 4 bottons and never have to worry about eclipse and refresh dots on a trinket or potion and be top 3 dps.

Sad part is I’ve seen a moonkin parse 95 and be 10th on the dps list it’s such a joke now to even see a Chicken in raid

Admit it, you just can’t boomy well. Otherwise you’d be competing with other casters. Objective log data proves this. Git gud imho

Why do you hold conversations with your forum alt? :skull:

Keep trolling and you might hit 1000 post this week loser

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Post from your usual forum account :skull:

keep posting YOU ARE SO IN LOVE WITH ME!!!


if by alt you mean the only one i use to post on forums - i don’t know you tell me

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Now give back glyph for ferals. With arpen gone it wont be OP. Make it a prime and you give up another one to help also bring it in line.

When it was released you even pointed out that it was to bring it in line with how feral was supposed to be played.

Thank you for this. Totally what I was feeling. As an older/average player it is really difficult to contribute effectively in a raid.

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people here will tell you to stop being old lol

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