Bal. Druid LF Mythic raiding guild


My name is Mastrollin.

I was a Nerd Crew raider on Mal’ganis, but our guild fell apart. I am a five-time CE raider and have raided in top guilds during my wow tenure. I am looking for a new place to raid. I have since raided casually. My current ATSC prog is 3/9M, and I want something more serious.

Raiding exp.

CN: 8/10M
SOD: 9/10M
SOFO: 7/11M
VOTI: 7/8M
ATSC: 3/9M

I currently main a Druid, but I can also main a Mage. I can play both classes well.

Current toons:

Boomer 446, io 2234
Mage 445. io 2750

My btag; MAS#11267 / Discord: Mas/torch#6150


We are forming a great group for 10.2 , would be interested in chatting with you at some point.

The Rich and Lonely Is a new and growing guild on Illidan. We and Stepping up our raiding team for 10.2. We are striving to create a solid team with a very light schedule, 6 hours a week raiding. Even though our time is limited, we still strive for commitment and effort! Our goal for 10.2 is to push towards CE.

We are a relaxed, goal-oriented group that loves to progress as far as we can while still preserving the spirit of fun. We have fun in many other games and are very active in Discord at all hours of the day and Night.

Experience: Season 2 - 9/9H 3/9M

We are an active home for:

-AOTC/Mythic Raiding

-Mythic Key Pushers

We are a mostly 21+ group (a few outliers) that realize this is a game to have fun, down some bosses, and bust up Dungeons while enjoying some Tuna on the back of dragons.

Our current schedule for 10.2 The Rest of Season 2 is: Sat / Sun 8 pm-11 EST

When it comes to Season 3 10.2 we are pushing for CE as a ultimate goal.

Our Needs are as follows
-Heals 1 to 2 Spots Need Disc or Holy Priest
-Dps 3 to 4 range - Would like 1 Shadow Priest

-Open Recruitment for M+ for Guild All Classes and Specs / Roles.

Recruitment – Contact a member of our Leadership Counsel

-Ingame @Billdobaggen#1727
-Discord @Crouching Or Bnet @ Daniel#1124