Bal. Druid LF Mythic raiding guild


My name is Mastrollin.

I was a Nerd Crew raider on Mal’ganis, but our guild fell apart. I am a five-time CE raider and have raided in top guilds during my wow tenure. I am looking for a new place to raid. I have since raided casually. My current ATSC prog is 3/9M, and I want something more serious.

Raiding exp.

CN: 8/10M
SOD: 9/10M
SOFO: 7/11M
VOTI: 7/8M
ATSC: 3/9M

I currently main a Druid, but I can also main a Mage. I can play both classes well.

Current toons:

Boomer 446, io 2234
Mage 445. io 2750

My btag; MAS#11267 / Discord: Mas/torch#6150


Join Coded Chaos, 6/9M Season 3! Our raids are on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7-10 PM CST. Thick skin is essential here - join us and embrace the challenge! Beyond World of Warcraft, we embrace a diverse array of games, cultivating a dedicated community. Feel free to add me on Bnet romeolee77#1654 if you would like to talk more.

Hey I wanted to reach out just in case. I know it doesn’t answer your question as we’re not a CE guild or anything like that, but I am prowling for boomies to give me that delicious solar beam tech in M+. If you like pushing keys to 2500-3000 io, let me know. My original post is here for more info.