So for the last roughly 24hours I haven’t been able to make Baisc Phial Alchemical Experimentation using Dragonflight Alchemy. I can’t tell if it’s bugged or not but I figured I’d post about it just incase so it doesn’t go unnoticed if it is bugged.
its a known bug. look here: Known Issues – Dragonflight version 10.0.2 -- Updated December 19 - #5 by Bornakk
crtl + f alchemy. and you will find Blizzard has turned them off.
All alchemy is in the same boat.
So the issue is that the 4 hour debuff can be instantly reset at any time and I’m not talking about the Liquid Courage item. Basically if you go anywhere non-dragonflight zones like Dalaran or your Garrison, log out and log back in, it clears the 4 hour debuff and lets you continue to do more experimentation.
I discovered it by accident when I went AH shopping in my Garrison, bought some cloth for my warlock, logged out, ate food, and came back less than an hour later to find the 4 hour cooldown was already cleared. I assume others have found out about it too and it was getting around.
Darn, so I’m stuck at alchemy skill 41 for now?
Yup, and Blizzard doesn’t seem to mind keeping us all in the dark about when we can actually level our profession again
Looks like they pushed a hotfix. Stopped by the bench last night - couldn’t craft. Woke up this morning and was able to perform the Phial Alchemical Experimentation. Back to leveling!