Baine should be gay

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. The only thing Garrosh did wrong was bombing the wrong place.


Why is everyone suddenly trying to steal Buds thunder?

Some of us like romance even if you don’t.

Lol thanks for the laugh

Good thing Wrathion isn’t human.

Hi, I just reported your post.


What does this mean?

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Am I banned from the WoW forums?

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I don’t believe my post deserved a report, Can you un-report it?

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Thanks have a good day.

Your attention is needed here Dembele, Lord of Reports. Anduin should be gay - #475 by Hawkéns-wyrmrest-accord

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dude just because you don’t like a thread doesnt mean its okay be homophobic on it.

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err… okay then… Good to know…

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My bad did not know General was following the NEW definition of homophobic. It use to mean hating gay people which I absolutely do not. Now it means anything that is not in complete acceptance and celebration gay stuff is homophobic. They changed it back in 2008 I think I lose track.


you just said make a whole race gay so they can all die.
That sounds hateful to me

Oh, we know. Lord, do we know thanks to shippers who never shut up about their fanfic pairings.

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Thanks have a good day!

That is not hateful that just how reproduction works. Unless the WOW universe has invented vitro fertilization. It was also meant as a joke but I have forgotten everyone is endlessly offended now and humor is dead.


on the anduin thread you also said if hes gay he should be cast out of stormwind and forced to live on the streets.
You might be a bit more anti lgbt than you’re claiming

Traps don’t have enough representation.


We had a good run. Remember when MTV came out and it played music videos and concerts? It has been all down hill since that ended.

Remember when the History channel talked about history?

Or had shows like; Modern Marvel. Things that would teach children about STEM.

Now you have the Overwatch channel on Disney Plus and 16 + pregnant.


I do! “How things work”, “Modern Marvels”, and “The history of…” were my favorite shows.

The last time I watched that channel it was all trash reality TV and alien astronaut theorists.

Edit: Yes, glamorizing unwed, under aged pregnancy is about to low point for humanity. Remember when lower teenage pregnancy rates used to be considered a good thing? Now when ever I turn on the TV I am like “Come for me sweet Jesus I am ready”. It is one of the reasons why I have not watched regular TV in years.

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Are the forsaken necromancers ready for raising new Forsakens when meteor kills us all ??

Ushering a new era of undeads.