Baine Quest Chain - Old Hatreds

Light abuse made the blood elves interesting. Now they are luke warm and boring.

The alliance are now stronger in Lordaeron then the Horde thanks to Stromgarde. The Horde council did a horrible job and left the Forsaken to die.

Don’t think anyone is really going to shed a tear over that

Of course you support everything that makes the Horde weaker.

I support anything that makes the worgen better you mean.

The Worgen have enough. Giving them Gilneas is just pulling the nail in the coffin of all hopes for the Forsaken to secure Lordaeron again.

Nah, we could use a little more land. Just because it aggravates you :stuck_out_tongue:

The Horde suffered with leveling since vanilla. Blizzard destroyed all progress from Cataclysm when they returned Stromgarde to the alliance.

But Strom sucks. Outside of the small hardcore human lovers, nobody really wanted it back

I know alot of RP guilds using it as headquarters.

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So do I. And most that RP is based around eventually retaking Lordaeron/Gilneas from the horde.

Even so, Blizzard seems to be opening up those ‘themes’. Rogues were never really a Tauren theme, but there’s room for there to be Tauren rogues, and Blizzard has used that opening. So I don’t think Blizzard believes that the Light is exclusively an Alliance theme and that there is room for different interpretations on cosmic powers.

I think the onus is on Horde players to open up what their conception of ‘Horde’ is, because as I said, a lot of Horde players seem to base that entire idea off of its opposition to Alliance. Blizzard seems to believe this too, and actively condition this.

Alliance has no problem incorporating themes of Ancestor worship, Nature worship, and Elemental worship. Which were ostensibly ‘Horde themes’. It has no problem with bestial races, like the Worgen. None of those things seem to effect an Alliance player’s perception of what it means to be Alliance.

Whereas Horde players have this crisis of conscience about what it means to be Horde if a Horde character so much as casts a Light-school spell, doesn’t wear spikes and skulls, and doesn’t want to megamurderkill Alliance on the spot. Any notion of respectful deference and diplomacy towards an Alliance character is met with accusations of being a bootlicker.

I mean, just look at what happened when Baine came to Stormwind as an ambassador. There was no problem whatsoever with him being there, the Alliance greeted him warmly and he got to wear a little Alliance badge to signify that he was not to be touched and while he was in Stormwind, he would be a welcome guest.

You cannot conceive of a world where the opposite could be the case for Horde. If Anduin or Jaina were to visit Orgrimmar there would be no guarantee for their safety at all. The Horde’s racism against Alliance races runs deep.

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The alliance is our Nemesis. Blizzard forcing us to work with them is alliance bias.

Which should have never happened. Lordaeron should have stayed fully under Horde control after Cataclysm was done.

It still is

It isn’t. Hillsbrad and Silverpine is occupied and Wildhammers are coming from the north. The position of the Forsaken is weak now.

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Half of Silverpine has always been gilnean territory. Just because Greymane erroneously walled off half his country, doesn’t mean gilnean territory outside of it suddenly belongs to the forsaken

Honestly it’d seem out of character to me for worgen as a culture to start caring about ancestor or elemental worship. It’d be one thing as individuals (I am posting on a tauren mage, after all) but from what we’ve seen out of them, culturally them being a more condensed British human was supposed to be what they rep.

But yeah, I would’ve thought of ancestor/elemental worship as predominantly horde themes. Doesn’t the fact you automatically associated those with an admittedly bestial-shaped race like a worgen kinda show that?

(I’m intentionally excluding the nature connection as a factor because that was split from the start between nelves and tauren / some trolls, and also that abruptness is part of their werewolf experience)

I would’ve thought the horde should have learned harder on shadowy themes to contrast the alliance being more about the light, but that got trisected into fel/void/necromancy, only the last of which the horde edges out on. But anyway.

I do genuinely think standing apart from the alliance is important to the horde, so in that sense it’s always going to be reactionary. The core alliance is mostly normal-ish fantasy races, the horde’s are monsters. Alliance light, horde shadow. And, to many players’ chagrin, lawful versus chaotic. It’s why people wanted Saurfang to challenge Sylvanas to a duel to the death, not voted out of the warchief position and arraigned on criminal charges.

But one thing that the game wasn’t trying to advertise was one side being good and the other evil. It should have been fully possible for someone to envision their character as a heroic horde member and still feel justified in fighting against the alliance. But Blizzard screwed that up haaaaard.

And I don’t mean to say there should be faction wars 24/7 either. But the last time we had an expansion where the two were working together (Legion), it didn’t feel like a neutral expansion but one where I felt like I was on loan to the alliance while “my own side” did almost Jack to contribute. It was disappointing.

From my PoV, I didn’t like seeing Baine show up in Stormwind like that. It was a point of mockery that he had the alliance symbol next to him. I don’t want to see horde characters accepted in alliance cities like that.


It isn’t. Shadowfang was taken by the Forsaken when we killed Godfrey.

Shadowfang keep is in the hands of the Ivar and the Bloodfang Pack. Just like Fenris Isle.

The alliance/worgen lorewise killed Godfrey