Bagnon and Bag Brother

Whenever I update these 2 addons through Twitch, they convert back to individual bags and nothing I do can make them all one again.

It’s driving me crazy. Anyone else have this problem?

I’ve tried reloading, clicking and unclicking the one bag option, restarting, etc… it still insists on being individual. Help.

I’ve seen a number of updates for bagnon the last couple days. I would completely remove it and reinstall it.

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I’ll try that then. Ty.

You bet.


It didn’t work. Idk, I’ll try uninstalling everything and then reinstalling everything.

Or maybe just a new addon. Idk, this is weird.

I am not at my computer right now, but I think there was a setting added to separate or add them together. I know it defeats the purpose of the addon, but I think they added it because some people only want like the search feature but like the separate bags

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It finally combined all the bags into one. Took over an hour though and I didn’t do anything to have that happen.
Idk, some things that happen in this game are just weird to me.

I thought these were NPCs at first

Or at the least erotic names for WoW characters

I use bagnon and have had no troubles at all. If uninstalling and reinstalling doesn’t work go to the folders and make sure everything for it is removed.

Addons can cause conflicts or get disabled if they try to call protected functions on start up. This will prevent them from working.

Sometimes, the LUA errors will show in the chat log. Clicking on them will tell you what happened and allow you to copy the actual error to give to the addon developers.