<Bag Space> 8/8 BWL, is recruiting

8/8 BWL, Full Weekly Clears of all Content, Is Recruiting for AQ and Naxx.

About us
We are a group of friendly and dedicated players committed to completing all Classic content through Naxxramus. We have been on Earthfury since September. Stable leadership that has been raiding together since TBC and respects real life commitments. We are here to have a good time and down content.
[EPGP/Loot Council Hybrid] EPGP for everything but Weapons and Trinkets.
Raid Times
Thursday/Monday 8-11pm EST, invites Start at 7:30pm Server. ZG, Ony, and Eventually AQ 20 on off days.
We are currently looking for 2 Holy or Disc Priests and one Holy Paladin. We are also recruiting Casual members of all classes and specs for extra and off day raids.

You can also contact Van, Trukal, Ephram, Reds, Khazoo or Divination in game.

‘ey Van, you guys ever find another Tankadin?

my guild let me prot paladin tank zg yesterday was a blast man. I hope someone picks you up soon.

Oh, I’m not looking for a new guild. I got picked up by All The Way Turned Up, and they are letting me raid tank, as I am the most geared Tank of any class on their roster.

I used to be a member of Bag Space, but got kicked over a misunderstanding regarding Bindings (my fault, not theirs). Was just checking in to see if they had found anyone to replace me.