Bad weekend for horde

You are thinking of the multiboxer who also wreaked havoc out in the world.

Why are people farming Honor?

Did I miss the patch where it did something other than give you 17 different tints of the same mount?


For nothing … I just wanted to reach 100 before SL.

Ummmm, there’s nothing else to farm right now? It’s the end of the expansion, so farming gear is pretty pointless since the gear will just get replaced by questing gear once SL hits.

Honor, gold, mounts are the more future-proof things to be farming right now.

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Unless honor level gets reset. I’m guessing it will

Alliance still have their faults

Like leaving healers alone to defend a node

Not that it really matters for me

Twice I had a rogue try sap cap while I was alone at LM

I trinket the sap get blinded … how predictable

And then I break the blind :upside_down_face: and stop him capping

Horde Rogues … think they know it all :wink:


Yeah I doubt it, post a source or a link.

People that are still trying to farm the crab pet or any of the other rewards would rage if they “suddenly” had to start all over from 0. There would be a massive backlash (and rightfully so).

I don’t think the devs (and/or forum moderators) want to deal with that kind of anger/blowback.

I said it’s a guess so obv no link or source.

Yep, and wpvp they said no problem. And I get that. Instanced pvp is another thing.

And yeah to the other poster who said he was reporting folks, he was doing that too, but both factions were complaining.

That would be a kick to the nether regions …

Didn’t he die in the 3rd movie?

No… and Cobra Kai is back on Netflix

Yeah cobra Kai took a round house kick to the head and died, the TV series is his twin brother.

Cobra Kai never die !!

Strike First , Strike Hard, No Mercy !!


I don’t believe you.

Hey, if nothing else, the chat can be extremely hilarious :joy:

Yes i have to give you that one … the chat is extremely funny sometimes .

Here we see a Troll in its natural habitat: hiding under its bridge!