Bad trading post rewards

Hush! The butterfly wings are EVERYTHING!!!


Yes they are, omg. Lol

You sound entitled. These are freebie things that are given out just for playing the game. They don’t even cost the currency you earn.

Like the monthly reward is literally just “Oh, you played the game this month, here’s a thing”.

It’s 2024, that’s what everyone wants now.

This, so many people dont seem to understand that. I couod care less about battle pets, or even mounts in the shop/capstone reward. But transmogs get me excited!

Last month, a battlepet had me disappointed, this month is a transmog so im hyped, next month will prolly be a mount and ill be disappointed.

Not gunna come here and complain about it.

And to all the edgelords mad because the flower month has flower stuff, friggin chill. Your edgey nonsense will be back in the fall. Let fans of spring and summer have their fun.

Yet you are wearing the full Night Fae set. The sparkly fiary faction from shadowlands.

Pot, meet kettle.


‘bad’ according to who?
It cant all be stuff I like or someone else doesnt get a chance to enjoy it.

Its a minor side activity that gives a few random mog items as rewards for doing stuff we generally already do. I mean, where has this massive desire to mog items come from? Not that long ago most players didn’t give a flying fig for mog stuff, it was like, who’d waste your time on that? And as for the mounts, we get so many mounts tossed us now like confetti, they hardly make me twitch anymore.

(Oh and yes, my avatar currently has a mog on, I tried when I got it and the armory just hasn’t updated yet.)

PS: Im not saying there is anything wrong with liking transmog, its a collectible and Im a fan of collecting items, I just puzzle a bit at how vocal folks can be about it.

Yeah track rewards have been extremely underwhelming for a few months now.

Hide chest peice, wear tabard, watch shows You have to sometimes think outside the “box”

It was more Sailor Moon Transmog than Powerpuff Girls… But your point still stands!

I agree their completion rewards used to be better. That said, all the low fantasy and more generic things they’ve added are still bangers. The cheapest stuff is often the best stuff.

I’m fine with where it’s at knowing it will probably swing back the other way at some point. The battle pets two months in a row was a total meme and I’m assuming a dev was trolling us.

I do hope they add a nice set or something to the post for June. Also November needs to be insane with it being the anniversary.

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They’ve also started to sell us transmog sets in parts instead of as ensembles as well, and for more Tender than as the ensembles on top of that.

The upcoming Tropical Sunrise sets will cost 1,360 Tender for the full collection while the Sunny Tropical sets are two ensembles costing 650 Tender each which totals 1,300 Tender.

The Deepest Depths Diver Suit ensemble will cost 800 Tender while the Copper Diver’s set will be sold piecemeal for a total of 990 Tender.

Meanwhile, they probably are going to continue not letting us earn more than 1,000 Tender during the months these items are available, which is just ridiculous. Why does it seem like there’s price inflation when they won’t increase the amount of Tender we can earn? Are they inflating prices based on people who literally never buy anything?

As for Trading Post bonus rewards, I do think the stuff like full transmog rewards tend to feel more rewarding than a single transmog item. Full transmog sets are usually between 650-900 Tender versus single slot transmog items that are usually between 40-220 Tender.

Battle pets can feel underwhelming for many people as well, but at least battle pets cost a lot of Tender, though.

Not every month will have something you like. I’ve had months where I couldn’t be asked, and others where I found a few cool things.

I have so many tendies im not even spending them there nothing to spend them on ???

They are probably still trying to optimize the system to figure out how weak they can make the rewards and still keep players participating… as well as how expensive can they make things before people won’t part with their tender. Or how small they can make the lineup before the complaints are too much. Things like that.

Companies just can’t help themselves. They are obsessed with knowing exactly how much they can squeeze and push their customers. They want to know down to the exact penny. :upside_down_face:

I am a big fan of the watch, it goes well with the Waist of Time belt. Now they need a staff/polearm that is clock themed.

I knew it would be downhill going since the recycled items we already saw. Look forward to more.

Overall the quality of everything has become total trash. Now it’s a bunch of cheap cosmetics that I wouldn’t be interested in making its way to warcraft.

it wasnt cool or edgy

I kind of agree here. It should have been just a regular item for about 100 tenders at most.

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Any game that sells cosmetics has the BEST in the cash shop. It makes perfect sense too. You want to give people something to feel like they got value for what they purchased. If they put half the trading post stuff on the cash shop it would never sell. Should they put better stuff on the full bar rewards? Absolutely.
Getting mad that cash shop has better mog though? Stupid. Just stupid.