Bad Resto Druids

Why are there so many bad Resto Druids that try and spam Regrowth to keep people up while almost ignoring their hots?

I have been grinding mythic+ dungeons for two weeks to raise my io. Went from 100 to 1400, but I have run into an ridiculous number of bad Resto Druids. Almost invariably if people start dropping I look at the chart and find the healer is casting twice as many regrowths as rejuvenation’s.

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People dont trust that their rejs and lifebloom will do anything. Its a trust issue imo, maybe a mastery issue too. Low mastery hurts in m+.

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Depends on build? You can blanket party with rejuvs and then you can go to town with regrowts, but dunno, guess depends on team also, most ppl are clueless obout how affixes work and make it waaay harder for the healer, in a decent group druid can and should be pushing damage, if healer is hard casting so often something is wrong and it could be is not healer fault.


Bad Resto here. Trying to get this guy geared up and did a +5 pug Underrot last night. Found myself having to spam regrowth quite a bit because everyone stood in the affix or didnt line the poison spray. We had 2 shaman, bear tank, and a mage and we stopped maybe one cast of deathbolt from those worms. That called for some tough healing.

I’m not without my faults though. I entered the dungeon with an agi polearm equipped and learned for the first time (since apparently M+ came out) that you cannot swap gear in the instance. That made healing extra fun and exciting. First wipe though i was able to run out of the instance, fix my gear and get back in. We timed it, so its all good.


Well i haven’t played One at max in awhile but I’m leveling one. I have to spam regrowth because the tanks drop so fast that while I always have my hots on I still stress that he won’t survive when he drops and heals so fast. I’m only level 70 so I have more coming but in terms of an actual instant heal regrowth is the closest and not like many other healers so it’s hard to understand if they put our slow heal back I would prob just do that while I wait for hots to need to be refresh if they need a bit of healing.

Edit. I wanted to complain. I literally got kicked leveling because the stupid squishy pally tank couldn’t use his defensive so I was stealth kicked. Someone dying as fast as him is not my fault he would drop fast af and I had all my hots and spammed the f out of him. Smh I am tired of noobs and elitists being a healer is straining my patience.

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For lower levels the balance of healing isn’t really relevant.

Having played Resto extensively in the past, Resto is about pseudo pre-healing. Rolling hots and spot healing as needed.

I keep finding Resto Druids that not only don’t roll hots but try to wait to heal after damage is done. When they approach healing they don’t roll hots then regrowth, but go straight to regrowth and get stuck spamming it. Which leads to most of the party not getting heals and only a select few being healed.

If you get stuck spamming regrowth then most likely half or all of the party will start to drop while you heal 1 to full. If you wildgrowth>rejuvenation everyone>Swiftmend as needed> Efflorescence> then Regrowth people to full, then players healths will hover while you bring them up 1 by 1. Half of regrowths healing is in a hot, if you are spamming it you are most likely wasting that hot and only healing with the direct portion which is very inefficient.

I’m not saying the above paragraph is the exact strategy for every scenario. But rarely do you want to go to regrowth before rolling hots.

Every time I am in a group with a Resto Druid where people are dropping dead, it’s always Druid casting regrowth as if it were flash of light.

They probably just don’t understand how to play resto druid sort of like dps dont know how to play their class and do 20k dps at 460 ilvl.


I just started playing Resto Druid about 1.5 months ago, after always playing much more reactive healers like Resto Sham and Holy Priest. Coming from that experience, it’s definitely been a weird adjustment to try and heal more proactively and trust my HoTs. I feel like rDruid is easy to pick up, but the playstyle is quite different from most other healers in order to play really effectively. I think if people have played other healers and haven’t taken the time to read rDruid guides and understand how our mastery works and whatnot, they’re going to inevitably end up trying to play the spec like those other healers. I definitely wouldn’t expect people to understand how to play it effectively at lower key levels, and I’ve had to go beyond the popular guides on Wowhead/Icy Veins to feel like I really understand what’s going on.

That said, I still feel a bit uneasy when I try to trust my HoTs, but I’m slowly gaining confidence in them lol.


Resto is actually really hard to learn at first, especially if you’re used to a more reactive healer like Shaman. You can’t just wait for damage to happen, you have to anticipate it and be a few globals ahead of the encounter. This can be quite the adjustment for someone new to the spec. I know my first attempts at healing content as a Druid were laughable at best.

Naturally this leads to some overhealing, which is why Well minor is so good for us.


OP you’re not wrong that it’s generally not good to spam regrowth.

BUT, if someone is taking a lot of incoming damage (I.e. avoidable things), sometimes it is our ONLY option if swiftmend is on cool down.

Let give an example: DPS player drops instantly to 50% HP. He has 1 or 2 hots on him already for the mastery buff, so you cast a regrowth to get him up. If he continues taking massive dmg (aka continues standing in something bad or doing a mechanic wrong), you can get stuck in a loop where spamming regrowrh is your only option because taking one or two GCDs to refresh HOTs will cause them to die.

So while spamming regrowth can be a sign of a lower skilled resto Druid, it can also be a symptom of people taking way too much unnecessary damage, so I urge you to know that before automatically assuming it’s a bad healer.

That being said, yes bad resto Druids actually do run rampant sometimes (pun intended).

Edit: read your response further down. Yes pre-healing is an inherent part of resto Druids so If the healer isn’t doing it at all, that’s a huge problem. In higher dungeons, healers can be expected to help deal some damage too which takes time away from pre-HOTIng time- though this likely isn’t the issue in pug-level mythics.


Yea, there is a lot of pressure on heals and tanks both.

As a healer, it is very easy to become the scapegoat of a poor group who is taking a lot of unnecessary damage. It’s easy for people to see people dying and think “bad heals”. Sorry to hear that you’re having to deal with it.

Sadly there are some bad healers out there too so it kinda hurts.


I’ve been gearing up this character over the past few days as resto just to try out the healing on it, coming from resto shaman it’s quite a bit different to say the least.

I’ve healed a lot on my resto shaman so I know when groups typically take damage and I start applying HOT’s to get my mastery going for when the damage starts rolling in, but either due to low ilvl or bad stats/traits no essences/corruption or all of that. I have to resort to regrowthing at some point during high damage intake because it’s either that or someone dies despite having HOT’s rolling.

Coming from a reactive healer having the DPS/Tank take unnecessary damage out of the blue because they stand in something they shouldn’t or they ignore a mechanic/kick/not use their defensives is especially punishing on resto druid because you aren’t expecting it to happen. In those cases unless it was during a fight where I’m already HOT’ing them up because of another situation that is coming up, I also have to resort to hitting regrowth just to get them back up to where the hot can do the rest.

The issue of players ignoring the HOT style of healing and just spamming the only ability that can do direct healing and isn’t on a CD could just be that they saw one of the many youtube videos talking about how strong resto druid is, but they don’t know how to actually play one (probably stating the obvious here). They probably aren’t tracking their HOT’s on unit frames and they have no idea that they need to start healing before damage rolls in to have any effect on it so they panic and start direct healing.

Having played a bit of Resto druid, a ton of MW, and a bit of Holy paladin, I’ll say that healing low key pugs is much more difficult than healing higher key pugs because the average person pugging a +5 will take more avoidable damage than the average person pugging a +15.


This is true - and you can also spec into a Regrowth focused build anyway.

Most of the dmg that happens in M+ isn’t AoE/slow dmg. Damage comes out high and will require regrowth to get someone back up from 50% quick - because it was meant to be avoided, and the dps didn’t kick/move/stun like they should have.

On most high keys, the druid should be in cat form most the time - without needing to heal.


And you get disc priests that don’t like atonement, and try to be a throughput healer.

Regrowth can easily end up being your most mana efficient heal and it does the most up front healing. You would be bad if you didn’t use it a bunch. I use it even when it isn’t the most mana efficient choice because some dps spend half the dungeon in the danger zone. If your healer isn’t running out of mana then it isn’t a problem.

That’s just bad.

It’s only ever mana efficient if you aren’t spamming on the same targets. Upfront healing is your weakest healing and doesn’t benefit at all from mastery. Trying to heal this way neuters your healing potential.

There are specific circumstances where you might find yourself using it several times in a row. If you regularly do that, you are a bad Resto.

Um all your healing benefits from mastery noob.

For each of your hots on the target which is exactly 1 if you only spam regrowth…

Nobody is saying you can’t use your other spells with regrowth. Maybe you don’t do high keys but if you think you can get through something like kings rest with nothing but hots then you obviously have no idea what you are talking about.