Bad news for solo and world players

Would love to see you put this to bed by posting some proof of this!


Look in the mirror. It’s your MO exactly.

I mean why else does it feel like Murder is the only casual/solo rep who wasn’t vacationed.

Meanwhile the likes of you outnumber him about give or take 15:1.

I mean, Aund is doing a great job of trying to get this thread locked.

And there’s some ad populum to go with liberal amounts of Ad hominem.


While I rarely ever agree with MC and their propensity to make up things that people never said. They also generally don’t post things things that violate the forum coc.

But I guess from your response, you don’t have any actual proof of this bribery conspiracy?


As are you. Solitude spouting MAGA nonsense isn’t helping things either.

I want to see the DM’s on Discord between you and the forum mods here then.

Complete with a PayPal receipt that says “Ban anyone who disagrees with me: xK USD.”

I’d also like to see where I got the money needed to allegedly bribe someone from.


Groups are easy to make/join, but anything above queued content has the added factor of people can apply their own personal requirements to groups they are leading or looking to join.

That could be one possible meaning, sure, but your tactic of trying to shut down their input and such by calling them elitists just REEKS of “only ones allowed to have fun/input are those that agree with me”.

One thing people like you seem to miss is the idea that, to the bulk of others, you are just as bad or worse as the ones you decry because we see you use the same tactics/methods as those you accuse those you decry use.

Which of these should be the way to go:
Have fun and get gear while having fun (eat to live)
Getting the gear is the “fun” but the content is not (live to eat).

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Cool. Obvious liar just trolling then. This is probably why you ended up on vacation.

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Then why else do you have plot armor?

No one does. Yet reality looks grim for those that play.

Whichever means I’m not on the forums arguing anymore.

It’ll be a long one, as they have mentioned being on vacation before.

Really getting your money’s worth then!

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PTSD would be cured if yall admit you got a vacation for giving others one.

And now here comes the gaslighting.


By you? Yep. By anyone on your side? Also yep.

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Let me put it this way then:
If the gear is the result of you having fun, then you are enjoying the content and should be arguing for more of that content, not better rewards per se, just more content that you find fun

If on the ohter had, gear is your fun, you will likely never have fun unless you can get max level gear from doing nothing as you don’t enjoy the content for the sake of the content, just the reward it gives.

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Which describes at least two of the three pillars and PVP before Solo Shuffle was added.