Bad lore speculation

I feel that as funny, as certain or even good these bad lore speculation maybe we are contributing to giving the Story/writing/Lore Team more and more ideas… :sweat_smile:

Got to remember this post… if ANY of these become part of the current WoW. :rofl:


By the way if your reading this as sometime you do to get a few laughs, interact with players or even get crazy ideas, I love you Story/writing/Lore Team! Love your work…for reals. :kissing_heart:

Anduin isn’t a corpse by the end of this expansion.


Sylvanas is a raid boss

Tyrande is a raid boss

Baine still sucks

Anduin is the hero of the expansion

Thrall still cant be a super shaman

No one gets a second chance at life. ex. Dranosh, Liam, Lirath


Tyrande smites Velen before dying because he mentioned Elune could be a Naaru that one time.


No, no this is “bad lore speculation” not “incredibly likely, almost 100% on the nose certain lore speculation”

I propose this become a once per patch tradition.


Sylvanas replaces the Arbiter.
Bolvar replaces the Jailer.
This will happen.


This isn’t my post, but in terms of “worst speculation”, this is hilarious and can’t be beat:

Definitely over the top, and would definitely never happen as-stated, but it makes me giggle nonetheless.


As a Night Elf and Sylvanas fan (yes BfA has been very bizarre for me) I want to marry this paragraph.


Eh. Redemption could happen in a lot of ways. I could see Arthas starting on a path toward redemption being something no one would object to.

This is incorrect. Myself and many others would absolutely object to this, and have in the past. Arthas and his atrocities became so unrepentantly monstrous, the only thing he deserves is eternal damnation.


Elune is an over-god like Io of the setting.
The Arbiter is the bad guy.
Turalyon becomes a dictator.


Sylvanas Redemption: “Noooo, terrible writing, how dare you, let’s put her head on a spike, I just see her name and I want to kill kill kill, she should be killed off in the first dungeon”

Arthas Redemption: “You know, Arthas is really just a misunderstood goodblondeboy”



So would you agree to Sylvanas getting the same treatment?

I think it’s hilarious that at the slightest mention of Arthas- a character who has been dead for years- having the slightest, most miniscule chance at working towards penance, it’s met with immediate refusal by someone advocating for a character- who has arguably committed worse atrocities than Arthas ever did- to escape scot-free.

But no, I’m the unreasonable one. :crazy_face:

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Agreedo. Arthas is one of a couple characters that can’t be redeemed.
though, Kael’thas is, too, and they’re redeeming him anyway.

That’s whataboutism, but I also agree that at this point, Sylvanas deserves no redemption either. So… not terribly sure where you’re aiming here.


She is another of these characters. Sadly, she will also be redeemed.

Yes? Arthas genocided Lordaeron and Quel’thelas and the Nerubians and who knows who all else in Northrend. And he killed his own father. And he killed his own people en-masse. And he betrayed the people working for him. And he subjected countless souls to torment inside of Frostmourne.

I mean…Sylvanas is an amateur compared to Arthas.

It’s the height of hypocrisy to suggest Sylvanas is worse than Arthas. Or that Arthas even comes close to deserving redemption.

If Arthas appears in Shadowlands it should be to see him being tortured day in and day out by little evil bunnies and Grand Apothecary Putress.


Sylvanas has damned the entire universe. Anyone who dies, no matter what planet they’re on, goes to hell now. She has easily one upped every villain in Warcraft.


No evidence Sylvanas is responsible for that.


Ion has specifically commented on it.