Bad Load Times Legion Zones Only

My issue is maybe related? I honestly haven’t done any Legion instances content or taken the Azsuna portal so can’t speak to that. What I can say/add is that Kirin Tor World Quests that teleport you after are causing this issue for me. Quests like the one to ride a manasaber or dash through the air. I always get credit for the quest but usually have to hard close WoW and walk away for a bit to get my character “unstuck”.

I made a thread in the Bugs forum thinking it was more but than hardware related. For the record, I do have WoW installed on an nvme ssd and I don’t have problems loading into anything else, I’ve just experienced it with teleporting Kirin Tor World Quests.

Hey all,

Thank you for reporting this. We’ve been keeping an eye on the cases of longer loading times in Legion zones/dungeons/raids since 9.1. Our WoW team did some investigating and was not able to get the problem to occur beyond the first zone change into these areas.

Since it’s occurring on the first zone in it may be due to servers spinning up instances or streaming assets. This would mean it’s not an issue with the local files for the game install on the client side, but rather something on the server side. We don’t have much info beyond that to share, but perhaps this is something that can be improved upon in the future.


I’m wondering if a lot of people are taking a break from Shadowlands like me, and taking the opportunity to get class mounts on all their alts. Making the servers lag porting in and out, maybe?

Use dalaran hearth stone, fly to Meredil, take the portal down below, then the portal to the sanctum (load time increase), then enter nighthold on mythic (load time increase), then take the skip to elisande and you’ll have another long load time. That’s 3 just trying to get my weekly mythic gul’dan kill done. 2 of them from the same zone. This is getting irritating. I’m on a ryzen 9 5900x, 32 gigs of ram, RTX3080, and the top of the line samsung NVME drive which the game is loaded on. I’m literally on a top of the line $3000 machine and i’m experiencing this every time. You guys saying you can’t replicate it beyond the initial load into an area is hilarious when I can do it on every single toon I have over and over and over.


This 100% . I have the same issues, load times anywhere else are fine. I’ve had it across all toons, several different servers.
Was doing the last of my ‘A Change In Scenecry’ achievement, pulled boss with Eyes of The Beast, then waited 2 minutes in a load screen for my POV to be brought back to my toon standing on the shattered walkway, a run that takes 40 seconds but I tried EotB for ease of not running back and forth 3 times… Really no reason, within the same ROOM to have a load screen so long.
*As of right now, looting within the instance is also EXTREMELY slow. My latency is fine, but every item, despite auto loot, is taking it’s sweet time adding to my inventory, 1 item at a time, about half a second to a second at a time, as opposed to the usual click and run.

Seconding this. Nighthold load times are absolutely awful and even worse because you have to sit through it 3 times on every toon. Along with Elisande and Gul’dan’s abysmally long RP each time, of course. And this absolutely did not happen for me before the patch. It’s new.


This has been an issue for me as well, pretty much all legion areas. I often get kicked from the eye of azshara dungeon due to a loading screen of over 2 mins.

For me, I can’t even load in. I have to clear interface, wtf and cache folders just to log in again.

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There’s no loading issues at all flying into these same zones from Dalaran.
I’m finding that there are people AFK in the places I’m zoning into and I still get long loading times; both Meredil/Shal’Aran and the Acherus, which means the issue isn’t caused by no players being there and having to load them onto the servers for the 1st time.
I also get this long loading screen when I use the flightmaster whistle in Azsuna and Suramar. I haven’t tested it in other Legion zones.

While not ideal, for now I’m going to avoid portals & the flightmaster whistle. I’ll manually fly from Dalaran straight into Sanctum of Order to the Nighthold raid portal. No Meredil/Shal’Aran portals in or out at all.

(I wish all old instances were as easy to get to as Legion ones are due to the Dalaran hearthstone. Being able to zone from anywhere with it + fly + zone into the instance is so much more optimal than: using that same hearthstone, mount to fly 10 seconds to your capital’s portal room, walking another 5 seconds to zone a 3rd time before more flying 5 minutes to your destination. The only thing more perfect would be if all your FP went straight into your instance portal or meeting stone.)

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This fixed it for me:

/console worldPreloadNonCritical 0

Looks like this same bug occurred during Legion. I found this console command in an 4-year-old reddit thread.


Worked like a champ.

I have been experiencing long loading time on Legion/Broken Isles loading screens. The progress bar is usually stuck at 60% for over an minute. I use a very fast SSD for the WoW client, so this problem is immediately felt after the 9.1 patch.

Did WoW 9.1 client’s reclaiming disk space break some data bin of Legion contents?


Same issue. Ty for reporting.


This sounds like something for the Technical Support forum. Try bringing it up there if it’s not already been posted.

Had the same problem for the last week. Did the old delete cache trick and still have load screens of at least a minute or two.
Also have a SSD, and hardware is definitely not an issue with my set up.

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Me too! Stuck at 60% loading for about 15-20 seconds for me. It’s usually super speedy. Anyone get a fix?


this needs to be fixed. frustrating.


It’s very, very frustrating. I don’t have a problem anywhere else in the game. Not any other expansion, not any other zone. Just Legion and it doesn’t matter what zone it is, instanced or open world. It’s crazy and Suramar was THE WORST.

When I teleport to Azuna using the portal in Orgrimmar it can take up to a full minute to load. And when I load into the Nighthold raid it can take even longer.
This is not normal and its highly frustraiting.

I have a WD Blue 1TB SSD. It’s only a few months old so the SSD itself shouldn’t be the problem. I load into any other place in WoW very quickly anyways.

Was doing 10 legion dungeons to finally get around to unlocking my red ghost kitty form, and yea, it was like a 1-2 minute loadscreen every time, even into dungeons.

My load screens EVERYWHERE else are 5-8 seconds max.