Bad gateway when trying to go into account settings

I can log in just fine but if i try to go into my account settings at I get a 502 bad gateway error.

I first tryied going to my account from the launcher by clicking the shortcut for my account. I even tried going directly to the website.

Try clearing your browsers cookies and cache. You can also try a different browser, or try incognito mode.

i tried a few times already

Seems broken for me too.

yeah im 90ish% sure this is on blizz side

Yes, it appears that they are needing to work on something for that part of the website. You can post over in the Website Bug Report Forum just in case they do not already know of the issue.

I also get the error…

502 Bad Gateway

With that one above too…not op.

yeah a post has now been made over in the website bug forum 502 error page

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this seems to be fixed i waas able to get in