Frowned upon? Meme worthy? Would you laugh if I admit that I do it from time to time?
I was fighting a Horde player 1v1 during an invasion wq, when his healer buddy showed up and they eventually killed me. I backpedaled to try and get the perfect Frostwyrm’s Fury off to hit both players.
Shortly after I received a tell from an Alliance player saying, “Nice backpedal, lol.”
I don’t backpedal in PvE, only PvP, and generally just for Frostwyrm’s Fury so that I can hit my targets. Beyond that, there’s no point.
Backpedaling in all forms of content is bad, minus tanking. If you backpedal for the sake of positioning a boss properly, it’s fine. Frontal cones like Frostwyrm, DB, etc are all capable of being fired properly without needing to backpedal, and to backpedal at all is typically a sign of weakness.
If I see a healer backpedal, or someone I’m looking to take out, it honestly sets off the red alarms in my head that this person likely has no clue what they’re doing, and I am going to eat them alive. It just is what it is.
I only ever do it when tanking. Just never thought it was necessary in any other role. I see people do it all the time but I honestly don’t think much about it.
That leads me to question how far the range on Frostwyrm is then. I see the trail of ice form in a straight path but didn’t know if anyone on either side of it was hit, so I always assumed it had to be as close as possible to the center…
Oh? I suppose as someone with a crippled tentacle you would likely consider my use of back pedaling a weakness and feel sorry for me? I do so adore attention.
Something worth remembering when dealing with abilities like this is you can aim it in any direction that is in the 180 degrees in front of your character using your camera turning involving the actual head turning of your character.
In other words, right click and drag to properly aim while strafing. You’ll see good results.
Lucifuge, I love you. And I will be honest. I wouldn’t feel bad. I’d just eat the person alive. But I’m an arena person, which is why. If I see someone backpedal in the arena especially, I chase.
I came here to say that this is the only time I’ve really done this. As a prot warrior tank back in MoP (SoO so Riposte was a thing for juicy defense stats) I had to backpedal so I could still dodge, parry, and block while re-positioning things.
One might say backpedalling is only relevant in PvE where moving only a slight distance is required.
Generally speaking in PvP back pedalling is frowned up, to get the perfect Frostwyrm’s Fury you can just as easily strafe, jump, and use the ability to get the same effect.
When you backpedal it would be much easier for them (moving at full speed) to close the distance/run past you to ensure they aren’t in front of the cone.
Well at least I’ll sleep more comfortably tonight knowing that my hidden shame is not as bad as I thought it would be. Learning to adjust with a crippled tentacle has been perhaps the thing that has made me an even better player. I do so enjoy doing things almost exclusively one-handed.
I would not stress it. I keyboard turn, have an old full size trackball mouse and still click some stuff. I have one macro for Tricks of the Trade and I use no keybindings.
If I see a healer backpedal, or someone I’m looking to take out, it honestly sets off the red alarms in my head that this person likely has no clue what they’re doing, and I am going to eat them alive. It just is what it is.
Your alarms need a reset then.
I backpedal and I heal and we do just fine. But I do have a small piece of advice for you. Dont tell others how to play and they will do the same in return.
Incidentally, and this is another piece of advice, in a raid, if you decide to 'eat a healer alive", dont be surprised to see yourself thrown out.
Sometimes I back pedal half a step to cancel a cast, or to ensure the enemies are always in front of me while using a defensive like die by the sword or evasion.
Doing it in pvp sometimes to bait enemy player to focus on me, or to unknowingly draw him into a position I want him at.
Backpedaling has been proven to be worse than strafing in arena, and all forms of pvp minus tanking due to the sake of mitigation. To argue that would be like trying to argue that clicking is just as good as keybinding, which if you notice throughout this thread, most people are saying the same thing. Backpedaling in any form of content other than tanking is ill advised.
I also armoried you for the sake of understanding your perspective. You have absolutely zero achievements in arena, and 14% of total pvp achievements. I’m sorry, but I’m not gonna take your word for it, especially considering the attempt at putting words in my mouth.