Background too light for blue letters

Hi all,

I have poor vision and glaucoma. It is hard to make out the letters for character names in the open world. Not to mention light letters on parchment backgrounds. Would anyone know of a setting or mod that would allow me to change the font colors for all the various text in the UI?


ElvUI is high contrast and has highly customizable text options.

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I’ve used both Tuki and Elvui and the contrast is great, but the text is way small for my old eyes. Also, they don’t change the game world lettering i.e. Blue player names and Orange player names. Of course on the upside, both would eliminate many of the other Mods I use to manipulate the UI. Thanks for your suggestions

ElvUI can do this - use the “scaling” feature.

I have similar vision problems and fix them with ElvUI and a couple of self-written addons.

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One nice thing you can do with ElvUI’s nameplates (which you’ll see the top guilds doing in RWF) is to change the nameplatesOnlyShowNames to true. Which then makes friendly names much more visible and customizable.

That said, I haven’t tested how far changing the font size etc works in raids but I know from personal experience that it does make people easier to see and yell at.

Yeah, ok. You can’t customize it aside from the font-family but tweaking that cvar still makes them a lot more visible.

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Text can use font objects (standardised font settings) or set the individual settings when the fontstring is created (or any time after)

You can change the default colours of the objects which will change the the texts they are used in but this may have a detrimental on some and texts and not others (depending on your vision). That and there a lot of font objects (and a lot of texts, including 3rd party addonms) so you have to know which to change.

probably more importantly, wether you can be bothered going through them all to test.

An example of changing probably the most common fontobject used you could:

/run GFN, GFW, GFT = GFN or { GameFontNormal:GetTextColor() }, GFW or { 1, 1, 1 }, GFT or false GFT = not GFT local CX = GFT and GFW or GFN GameFontNormal:SetTextColor(unpack(CX))

Which will change the colour from yellow to white and back again (You (well, I) can see the effect quite well with the achievements frame open)

Class colours are probably more difficult but I haven’t looked into them since they’ve moved to a C_ namespace (classic versions of the game possibly still use the old system?).

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It’s probably not a bad idea to throw this request into the in game suggestion tool. (Under the help menu.) As they are revamping the UI with Dragonflight, it’s a great time to make sure that accessibility stuff like this is on their radar.