I have my Warglaive in my bag, it is right there, yet i dont have it in my transmorg option??? Why? Its litteraly there in my bag i can equip but i cant transmorg it to another 1h sword. I m on my warrior ignore the pally for forum thing.
Anyone know if this is a bug?
Warglaives tmog wasn’t a thing until post Legion, and it was only for DH’s. Sadly we won’t be able to tmog them with any other class :\
So i cant transmorg warglaive on my warrior either? dam
In “transmogrification”, the word that the shortened “transmog” comes from, the r is after the g. “transmorg” is not a word
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Plz allow warglaives tmog
This is irrelevant, as they made every legendary transmoggable in cata classic. Not being able to transmog warglaives is just an oversite from copying retail code and they don’t care to fix it.
Actually, it was more than likely intentional. Unless the glaives are usable on other classes in retail.
Lol this has been a known thing FOR YEARS!!! Why do people all of a sudden act so surprised.
Wtf is a transMORG
It’s not, even in retail only DH’s could do it for a while and later they added an “appearance” of some kind to let others finally do it.
Getting bent outta shape over nothing.
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Blizzard probably said why add something that will get removed anyway. Was I happy about that in retail? Not really. But its rule they made. Its not changing anytime soon either.
they give and take here. Classic also got invisibile mogs early. Hate having shoulders so large it makes the 80’s seem tame, remove them.
Want to remove chest mog, go ahead. I use that on one of my hunters.
She was named tixij, after quiet from MGS 5. The greatness of Kojima-san…the dude actually wrote lore for bikini armour. She breathes through her skin you see.