Baby Yoda is Cute

He already did lol.

There are so many more of this species in the Star Wars universe, from the books to games, picking Yoda as the baby’s designator is innately wrong. In the way that some people feel about the screeching sound you get from chalkboards, I just cringe every time I hear this non-name being used.

Doesn’t make it right. :wink:

There are only a couple that are canon, the rest don’t exist. And once again, the species doesn’t have a name so it’s irrelevant. Can call him Baby Toad if you want lol.

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And star wars fans wonder why people don’t wanna be around them

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I like Baby Yoda.

I love that character. :grin:

He a qt 3.14

Baby Toad-Eater, now there’s a name. lol

So look, I was in Disney World recently, and I didn’t correct the tens of people who said it. I am amenable in person, but I have my quirks, like everyone else. Just let me have this inner turmoil, ok? lol

<3 baby yoda

Fair enough. I’m just in tired snark mode. I came off a bit too harsh there

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Not too cute. I really like the short video of BY clicking buttons in Mando’s ship to play music and accidentally blowing up a planet.

Nippet The Ewok from Return Of The Jedi
Is Cuter then baby yoda

Throws down gloves

thanks for reminding me new
have something to watch while eating lunch


Still., the creator hasn’t confirmed that The Child isn’t related to Yoda either, when asked specifically about it.

SHHHH do not draw the ire of the creepy WoW baby NPC’s!!

normie trash

More Baby Yodas, The Child must live on, Goblins kinda look like the yoda species

Old yoda is cute too!

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can blizz but a madno xmog set in the ingame shop with a baby yoda battle pet and do a cross over promo with the mando show?