Hi everyone! Trying to get into pet collecting and had an alt camped on Jaguero waiting for it to rain. After the weekly maintenance ended, it started raining on the Jaguero! But the baby apes never spawned. Flew around for 15 minutes trying to find one and then it stopped raining 
Curious if there was a bug that was preventing them from spawning during the rain. For example I noticed some players with the anniversary detective torches near some alters, is that quest interfering with the pet spawn at all? Little disappointed as it finally rained…and nothing.
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As a general rule (at least it used to work this way), in order to get pets to spawn, you often need to kill the critters in the area, as they share the same spawn locations.
Or you just got unlucky…
… Or there was something about that first rainfall after the server reboot that was different.
I’m not aware of ahy phasing conditions on Jaguero Isle, or that any of the Detective quests lead you there. Maybe there is one I don’t know about?
I don’t think anyone has done many captures on Jaguero Isle. It’s a painful camp. So nobody has a lot of experience with it.
But when I was lucky enough to get rain, the Baby Ape pets all spawned out of nowhere very quickly, and that is what I have heard from others. No killing of critters was needed, and there wouldn’t have been time for it, considering that the rain lasted maybe 15 minutes.
What is there is not for the current Secrets, but for the one from Dragonflight where we got the Mimiron’s Jumpjets mount.
link: https://www.wowhead.com/guide/world-events/secrets-of-azeroth#mount-hint-1
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There was another mage with me and we we’re killing some of the Strand Crabs on the shore. I also checked a few to see if the baby apes showed up alongside them in combat, but didn’t see any.
That could also be it. I’m not too familiar with the secret puzzles Blizzard has released over the years. I saw some players near braziers/alters with what looked like the torch and thought maybe it was associated with the 20th anniversary.
There has been a lot of unfocused (desperate) experimentation associated with the Felcycle secret. People are trying all kinds of stuff based on the faintest aspirational interpretation of the clues. So you’re seeing players trying to see if there are any clues ro advance that secret, and you probably will for some time.
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Parked a 72 Horde mage on the Island, rain started little over an hour later and no problem finding and capturing another Baby Ape. No idea what other factors might affect the spawning, was just confirming that it’s still possible.
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Good to know! Perhaps it was just a fluke for whatever reason. I’ll try again on a different character/server. Curious, did you have to clear out any other pets like the crabs to get them to spawn?
I didn’t think to test that. It’s been so many years since I’ve been on Jaguero Isle I did kill 3 or 4 apes to see what they dropped. Didn’t kill any criitters or other pets. My guess is that it wasn’t necessary to kill anything as I found the Baby Ape pet a distance away.
This is what I did. I parked three characters on three different servers on the island. I logged them in once or twice a day to check for rain. I don’t recall how long it took (I think it was approximately a week).
This same thing just happened to me - logged into my alt who was sitting on Jaguero Isle… it starts raining after a second and I’m thrilled !! Finally can get my baby ape! Then notice nothing spawns… so I think I have to start killing pets… circled the isle killing pets for 15 minutes until the rain stopped… and never once saw a baby ape spawn
Very frustrating.
A second report.
That sounds like it’s time for am in-game Bug Report, and a question to Support.
P.S. I see this most recent comment for Baby Ape on Wowhead, 4 weeks ago
Logged onto an alt in Chromie time and it was raining on the island but no apes were up. I /reloaded, flew to Booty Bay, nothing made them spawn. Waited a little longer and they eventually popped up so just be patient they’ll show up.
I also didn’t think to ask about Chromie Time.
I made a new character to camp the pet on a RP server after reading that there’s limited sharding on those servers. I’m not sure if that’s true or not, but once it started raining the baby apes spawned immediately and I was able to catch them. So I suggest trying a RP server to catch it. Though I completely understand the frustration of camping for long periods and nothing happens. Good luck
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