Baa'lial Soulstone

So anyone got any idea how we obtain Baa’lial Soulstone pet now?

Wowhead comment …

The pet will be obtainable during the Winds of Sanctuary event for the upcoming Diablo IV launch in June

Have yet to see any specific info on how the pet will be obtained, but it sounds like it will be a drop off of Treasure Goblins (between May 25th and June 15th)? Seems like there will be a number of possible drops/rewards, so I hope the RNG isn’t a complete nightmare (limited-time-exclusive rewards shouldn’t rely on RNG imo)


Amen about the RNG on limited time…I am thinking the that 36 slot bag might be a drop too…guess we’ll all find out tomorrow…if I remember right Hatespark had very low drop rate and upset a lot of players couldn’t get it too drop in the Anniversary raid of Molten Core.

I got my 34 slot bag at the last day of 9.0 eve. I hope the new pet and 36 slot bag can get rid of RNG.

I got the pet as a drop from the first treasure goblin that spawned for the event in Stormwind. I also got the achievement “A Little Lord of Lies.”

I’ve seen the cloak mog, backpiece, and toy drop, as well. Some people said they got the mount. Seems like a portal spawns all over the specified area about every 5 minutes then swap to a new city every 30 min. The portal has a countdown timer, so the goblin doesn’t spawn immediately. I looted the goblin multiple times on the same character in one location and got an item, then gold several times, but then charms after the 4th or 5th, so I don’t think the loot is locked out from one location, but just RNG. I had to log out, so couldn’t test further.

Yep just got the pet …the whole show is broken the portal keeps showing up in Val …and not moving like its suppose too

Is this worth going out of my way to get for battles? I can’t seem to hunt down the goblins in time

The goblin spawns are on a set schedule rotation.

Here is a spreadsheet that shows the times and what zone corresponds to the time. Just choose NA Times at top for this region.


It is very easy to get and anyone who shares the same server and faction who hits the goblin along with you, even if you are not in a raid or group together, can trade the pet to you. This event goes until June 14th so even if you were to do the event once or twice you can ask in /say if someone can trade you the pet and you would probably find someone who will. The pet is not BoE and I have deleted quite a few of them already because most everyone who is doing the runs has one.


Anyone know what’s going on with all the failed attempts to trade an extra pet with someone else who battled the Treasure Goblin with you? They’re supposedly “not eligible” even though they got other loot.

Three separate times my alts have gotten the Soulstone when we already had the pet and couldn’t trade to 3 different players. Only thing these players seemed to have in common was that they didn’t have Baa’l. Is this an undocumented requirement?

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That might be why it can’t be traded over …I wonder if they can even loot it if it drops for them?

Had wondered about that myself, but have found players who don’t have Baa’l but do have the new Baa’lial.

Well there is something going on for sure…I tried with players I seen in my own shard I couldn’t trade with them…that has happened about 6 times now …I have ended up deleting a couple of them now too.

edit…just got another one and nobody around wanted it …so its almost useless now to say anyone need a pet…many have it now.

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I was traded one earlier today. Thanks guys for your help. This dude looks actually good for battling might run him on some teams

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Shoot, that blows that theory. You don’t have Baa’l pet.

Something else is broken with the pet trading.

Small indie company kek

I was able to give a few of my extras away then no replies came in for others. I even did quick armory checks for people still in the group while we waited for the next spawn. Thought I could just offer it to somebody that did not have it and they’d keep it. Everybody had it already so I have been destroying them :frowning:

Destroying extra pets? Surely you were actually setting them free?
I looted the bag, a banner, some clothes and charms and some gold, but no pet. Then, a kind looking? buffalo- person traded me the pet for free! I’m very thankful, no more signing in every two hours.

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I was able to trade an extra mount drop for the pet.
I didn’t know that was even a thing, but I’m thrilled as I now have the pet, the bag, and the mount:)