Azuregos for The Originals quest not present in Azshara on my druid

On my druid, Senlinju-Stormreaver, I fly to where Azuregos should be for The Originals quest and he is not there. I join a party or raid group in group finder to kill him and I still cannot see him or any other party members. I tried logging out and back in with no change. This phasing seems to affect all of Azshara, or at least a good portion of it, because I cannot see party members even at other areas in the zone.

To my knowledge I have never quested on my druid in that zone. I don’t see anything obvious in my quest log that should put me in a different phase. However, if I join a party and choose party sync option suddenly I am transported to a phase where I can see Azuregos. So it seems to be quest related, but I have no idea how to actually fix this so I can see Azuregos normally.

Having same problem every year. It is a pain. Wish they would post how to fix this.

Is this happening to you on a druid as well or a different class?

I didn’t see your post before now, but it looks like you started, but haven’t finished, the Twilight Highlands intro questline, which will phase that area.

I’m not sure which character it’s for, but maybe the same questline is phasing your character as well?


Wonderful! Just finishing the Twilight Skies quest did return Azshara back to a normal phasing where I was able to see Azuregos. Thank you for sharing that tip!

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You’re welcome! I’m glad that helped :slight_smile: