On my druid, Senlinju-Stormreaver, I fly to where Azuregos should be for The Originals quest and he is not there. I join a party or raid group in group finder to kill him and I still cannot see him or any other party members. I tried logging out and back in with no change. This phasing seems to affect all of Azshara, or at least a good portion of it, because I cannot see party members even at other areas in the zone.
To my knowledge I have never quested on my druid in that zone. I don’t see anything obvious in my quest log that should put me in a different phase. However, if I join a party and choose party sync option suddenly I am transported to a phase where I can see Azuregos. So it seems to be quest related, but I have no idea how to actually fix this so I can see Azuregos normally.