Azure Span is Lagging for Hours on Stormrage Maybe Others?

Azure Span today for some reason just full out delaying like crazy. Pretty much feels like the server instance is suffering from a cpu/memory leak. I’m on Stormrage as everything ran on instances not sure what one it is, but people been bring up a lot in the chat. If you have the ability to search a comment just made was “this zone gets a 3/10 in my book”.



Undermine having the same problem. Thought it was just me until people kept asking in zone if anyone else was having the same problem.

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Yeah, I’m out in the Azure Span on Stormrage right now and it’s borderline unplayable. 1-2 second delay on some interactions.

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Stiiiiill happening. Was this afternoon, still this evening.

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It’s crazy. You can be in any other zone and the moment you cross into Azure Span it’s like you’re playing on dial-up.

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Still an issue on crushridge. Can’t complete quests! This is very frustrating!

horrible on sargeras too

I can second that one Stormrage. It’s awful.

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I’m also on Sargeras. It was horrible yesterday, and continues to be horrible today. Hopefully this is getting looked into, and is fixed soon.

Same on Moon Guard. It’s not quite bad enough that I can’t play at all, but closer than I’d like. I disabled all my addons and restarted just in case, no change.

I was having that issue until turning OFF warmode. Gl

I’m already playing with warmode off. Enabling it, however, made zero difference.

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Icecrown has the same issue.

What it is is the Cobalt Assembly powers most likely. People farming that area with tons of torghast like powers rolling lags the zone out. So now only are people farming the rep, people are doing the world quest there as well.

Moon Guard it’s super laggy in Azure Span as well, lots of folks saying the same thing in general zone chat. Warmode on or off made zero difference.

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I’m also having a lot of trouble doing:

World Quests;

But this only happens on Azure Span, takes like 1-2 seconds to cast.

Realm Azralon

This will be happening until the PvP World Quest ends.

Still happening this afternoon as of roughly 12PM pacific time on Cenarion Circle, and we are a low pop realm phased with the other high pop RP realms. Just anywhere in Azure Span is yucky and folks in general chat are confirming the consensus.

I think its related to the community feast is Iskaara. Once that happens, the whole zone starts lagging like it did in The Maw when people were killing Mor’Geth in Desmotaeron.

The feast has been over for a while on my server, it’s been like this all day :confused:

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