Azshara the true Queen of Azeroth!

With my queen Azshara escaped swearing she will claim the true Throne of Power. I think its time we should be able to join her and the Naga.

All characters and classes can join. With new skins for everyone, Azshara tentacle hair for starters :octopus: and a new race to go along with this switch up the naga themselves.

Also ps I told you all my Queen shall live through this xpac.


We should have finished the job Xanesh started and killed Azshara before she just casually teleports out. :crazy_face:

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I’m confused, I thought you liked Sylvanas. Or am I having a senior moment?

(munches on cookies and wishes someone would help clean up the paperwork on my desk)



I follow Sylvanas yes and support her actions. But not because I like, like her I respect her.

The like part befalls to my love Azshara. :octopus:

Ah, okay. I sort of understand (because the caffeine from the super jumbo ice coffee from the bucks of stars is only starting to make my neurons fire).

(gives Juuhachigou a cookie)




I’ve got a hangover the size of me hammer. I need some myself.

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I must be a weirdo for not wanting an authoritarian ruler over me.

(sneaks Hearthbrew a quad shot americano and a cookie and some aspirin)


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You can only be under a rule if you cant decide to do what you are told before you are told.

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Thats ok, the best part of that is that most of you will have no choice in the matter. :relieved:

See, she gets it.

There are realistically 3 options:

  1. The story forgets Azshara even exists.
  2. She’s relegated to comic book-status recurring villain.
  3. She becomes a loot pinata.
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Those are bad options, so let us change that fate right now, and make her the true queen she deserves to be!

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Well if we get to play as Naga than all hail the Light of Lights, Vision of Perfection, Daughter of the Moon, The Light Beneath the Tides, Empress of Nazjatar, and the Master of Negotiation ( just ask N’zoth), Her Radiance Queen Azshara!

I am really sorry to be the bearer of bad news, so I will make it in the most colorful way possible:

“Game is not done milking Azshara just yet”.
Like Illidan, Azshara has been in and out of game, by presence or effect, since always, so there is always the event to bring them to game and being back die hard lore buffs.

We still havent seen the end of her, or Illidan, and it is far from it.

Our Queen shall rise and with her she shall bring salvation to Azeroth.

Lol most powerful mage on Azeroth and she nearly died to some water

The weakest old god have to save her


Honestly her empire was crazy big. Most likely one of the better rulers of Azeroth. Its to bad Sargaras found her. Imagine what the world would still look like. She showed up kind of lame though. Considered one of the most powerful mages on the planet. Melees most of the time…

(wtb alternate timeline perfect azeroth expo blizz!)

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I came to an accord with Dreta on a restored Elf empire!

I am a loyal servant and champion of the Dark Lady and Banshee Queen Sylvanas Windrunner. And nothing will budge my love, respect or loyalty.

However Azshara is an amiable choice for a Queen, so I could be loyal to her the light of lights but not while I am sworn to defend the Dark Lady!

Hail our wriggling, tentacly Queen!