Azshara killing Tyrande

Anything is really possible. If Nobbel87 was right in his video, she’s a really powerful lady.

I’m generally hoping it’s bigger than just killing one horde or alliance character.
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If Jaina die… it would be great. I am saturated with this character and her feelings.


Yeah, the Night Elves need to start suffering for a change. Really?

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Overall it’ll be interesting for night elf lore. Since Azshara has beef with them.

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Hordies really want Tyrande or Jaina to die. They almost feel entitled to it… Which makes me so angry.

Look, just because the writers have treated you poorly does not give you the right to take it out on the rest of us.


Ya it’s really annoying when the other faction thinks they’re entitled to take out your characters because of shoddy writing, huh?


laughs in Night Elf


The who? i must have missed that board meeting.

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Y’know, it will be interesting to see how they approach using Azshara going forward. She’s a compelling character … and honestly, there is a large part of me that hopes she succeeds in whatever she is doing in 8.2-8.2.5. Even if she’s pushed out of her palace, HER motives are fascinating (so her losing a battle should NOT equate to her losing the War).

She’s attracted to power; She insisted that she be the Queen of “The Deceiver”; and her interests do seem to lie within the return of the Black Empire (even if dominion over it may be a topic she feels differently about than N’Zoth). I honestly don’t see her betraying him until AFTER the Empire has returned; if she ever does at all. But, who knows, maybe playable Naga next expansion.

They can fill that empty slot of the “Pandaren’s” Allied Race I suppose?


A sect of Zandalari Balance druids. They’re exiled outside the city because their patron loa is not-officially-confirmed-but-pretty-much-confirmed-to-be-Elune.

I had made this post just for sheets and giggles, but after really thinking about it, I feel like someone like Tyrande getting axed by Azshara would be more interesting for real. I was thinking of saying someone like Jaina or Baine at first since I’m not too fond of either of those characters, but with the connection Tyrande has with Azshara I feel like that’d be something actually shocking.

Like it’s always been Malf/Tyrande vs Xavius/Azshara, and Xavius kicked the bucket very predictably in his own self contained arc in Val’sharah. Seeing Tyrande get defeated by her own nemesis while all hopped up on moon juice would be real tragic, and paves the way for the Horde to take advantage of the night elves newfound weakness to finally take over Kalimdor for real.

…But then again it might be safer for Blizz to just have Azshara kill Malf and have Tyrande just go insane trying to get back at the Horde and Naga at the same time. Maybe some actual division in the Alliance could spring up from there instead of Anduin just hand waving it off again.

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The thing is, the Horde isn’t entitled. The Alliance hasn’t done anything to merit it. The story has written Sylvanas into a position where her death is the only just payment for what she has done to the Alliance… Where as Horde players want Alliance characters to die only because Horde characters have died, most of which has nothing to do with the Alliance.


The story that they wrote for Sylvanas was bad. That was the whole point. You are not any more entitled to cathartic moments just because you rolled Alliance and a fictional character made your faction angry. Whether or not you think “the Horde” is deserving of being entitled is irrelevent because this is about players.


Actually we are, when that character specifically did something to draw the ire of the Alliance.

Jaina and Tyrande have done no such thing other than being strong female characters who have very clear reasons to dislike the Horde. See the difference?


No because they’re all written by the same people, one just had an arc go completely off the rails and that’s not Horde players’ fault. Your cathartic moments shouldn’t come at our expense. You made the comment that Horde players shouldn’t feel entitled to take out Alliance characters because of bad writing. This is the same thing. You feel entitled to take out some of our characters because of bad writing.


It doesn’t matter, Sylvanas is established as a Villain at this point. Whereas no such thing has been establish for any Alliance character. Calling for the death of Alliance characters is just shaudenfruede at this point, because there is no reason for it except to revel in the misery of the other faction.

Alliance players who call for Sylvanas’ death have very clear and justifiable reasons for it that has nothing to do with wanting the Horde player base to suffer.


Please, people on here talk all the time about how they look forward to Sylvanas dying because of how it would affect her fanbase, which is you know, mostly Horde players. The writers making us and our important characters the villains so that the Alliance can be superhero friends is just a tedious experience for Horde players and for that we ALSO deserve a cathartic moment. The story beat the Horde up just as much as the Alliance, your anger towards the narrative isn’t any more valid than ours.


And I am not down with that, except the people who also say the same thing about Alliance characters dying. But overall, I don’t want Horde players to get beat up all the time, but I am also not down with being something Horde players get to beat up. Frankly, as a nelf players, I have had enough of that, and the Horde players either say “We never want that to begin with” or argue that they haven’t done it enough.

But this is where we are and we can’t go back in time to change anything. Alliance players are owed justice, plain and simple. It sucks that comes at the cost of a fan favorite, but you know what? I liked Sylvanas too, but now I want her dead. I feel entitled to it, and I do not believe Jaina, or Tyrande, or any Alliance character as of right now has merited Horde players to feel the same way as I feel about Sylvanas.

That’s the difference.


I disagree, Akiyass. Having to accompany Tyrande through Val’sharah was certainly just as traumatic as Sylvanas burning down Teldrassil.


At the end of the day, The Horde and the Alliance aren’t real. Teldrassil, Undercity and Dazar’Alor aren’t real. No one actually died in those battles and no real homes were lost. The only thing that is real are the players, and a bad story has the same effect regardless. No one should feel entitled to take away bits and pieces of another player’s story just because the writers decided to take away a piece of your story away. Especially when the writers have already been massacring pieces of everyone’s story.