I had made this post just for sheets and giggles, but after really thinking about it, I feel like someone like Tyrande getting axed by Azshara would be more interesting for real. I was thinking of saying someone like Jaina or Baine at first since I’m not too fond of either of those characters, but with the connection Tyrande has with Azshara I feel like that’d be something actually shocking.
Like it’s always been Malf/Tyrande vs Xavius/Azshara, and Xavius kicked the bucket very predictably in his own self contained arc in Val’sharah. Seeing Tyrande get defeated by her own nemesis while all hopped up on moon juice would be real tragic, and paves the way for the Horde to take advantage of the night elves newfound weakness to finally take over Kalimdor for real.
…But then again it might be safer for Blizz to just have Azshara kill Malf and have Tyrande just go insane trying to get back at the Horde and Naga at the same time. Maybe some actual division in the Alliance could spring up from there instead of Anduin just hand waving it off again.