Asgoth here, Tauren prot warrior. I was a member of Tarren Mill Deathguard, i was friends with a shaman named Narraxx and a priest named Priestmehoff. Hoping anyone at all remembers me.
Howdy Azshara. I was Doakes, the Level 90 Realm First Huntarrrr from this realm. I ran Wing Wednesday. Literally the only thing of note we ever did was have 5 realm firsts on Panda launch because of a wicked fun LAN party. A lot of you may have ran Mogushan with us; we paired with another guild and often hosted pugs.
I hope everyone has been doing well!
Yo I don’t know if I am on the right server (memory loss) but I either was a night elf Druid or a undead priest GM of Exodus and Invictus.