Azshara Horde Reconnections

looking like white mane. we’ll see

I do remember you and Tingo in TS laughing as you were toying with alliance in WS while Anargan (guild leader I think was his name) was calling out instructions. LOL…good times. Remember Sarxx and that killer FC druid, Bollux too.

Hey Typ, so I think I’ll be rolling my main toon(s) on Whitemane. I have some real life friends rolling there, including two original Spitfire members (Vomitronicus and his brother who’s character’s name fails me). They took a break from the game fairly early in Spitfire’s history so I’m not sure if you ever met them.

I believe I’m going to play Warrior (Peterparkour) and Rogue (Invict), so either of those names should find me. I would send you my BattleID but I don’t see an option for DMs on these forums?

What will you (or Lamp’s or Stack’s) character’s name be on Mankirk if you’ve already reserved? I’ll be sure to also try to find you on there.

P.S. We picked Whitemane because we wanted the world PvP experience.

P.P.S. :slight_smile: I hadn’t joined the guild yet but it’s great to see all the familiar names.

Elija, Tauren druid. Played with the guild Vertigo Syndrome.

Just looking to catch up with anyone I used to play with.

That paragraph was like a rollercoaster of memories lmao.

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Hey all,

Played an Undead Warrior named Christo. Played with a few guilds that some names are escaping me but remember Crimson Republic. After reading this thread i feel like I remember Armistice too. Some of these names discussed here look so familiar as well but its been so long…Too many names to list of people id like to reconnect with!

Dush… it’s Lutfi… Blood Elf Hunter (lol). Remember me? I played with you and Ryan, I forgot his character name a long time ago and always thought “Hey, I wonder what happened with those guys…”

Lutfi - Blood Elf Hunter during BC.

Hey, I played with so many people it’s a shame I can’t remember all their names.

My first raiding guild was Catharsis, we were small, the only name I remember off the top of my head was Tyelco I believe…

Eventually ended up in Armistice but was more or less a backup/reserve.

Did a lot of PvP, Arena was my addiction because I wasn’t good enough to raid lol. I remember Melbourne who was probably the best PvP priest on the server. Played with Baloa, Tauren Druid from Brazil… man I cringe at how much we yelled (mostly me) during Arena lol.

I believe there was an Undead Rogue from Brazil as well… Rowen maybe? Just thinking of names as I write this…Bartholomew was another undead priest…

If anyone remembers me, please reach out!

Wassup guys! This is Mayla- UD Rogue
was in Chronic, Gods, and Spitfire back in the day before I xfered to Spirestone! Looking forward to rerolling horde on Grobbulus! Cheers!

Hey dude. This is Menthu/Celde/Kissyou from the old Cyber Athlete days. Have Dionysus, Staph and maybe a few others who will be rolling with us on Herod (more than likely anyways).

Sliq#1905 is my bnet if you wanted to chat.

Dionysus here, Orc Shaman (rank 14 enhance). From Spitfire / Blue Garter. I recognize Invict and Typical here (you still have that c’thun kill video Typical? :slight_smile:

Looking for any of the old Spitfire/Blue Garter guys, i’ll be rolling Horde - Herod in classic and pushing rank 14 again alongside Celde/Menthu.

my discord is: gloat#6603

I still have that video! I’ll send it your way. Did we make any other videos?

Ahh I remember you all - sent you a bnet request.

Hi Daxxar,

I raided with Gunkata. Vonrebel, Garynaga are two whom I remember.

I played a shaman named Phayze. Was pretty young back then, must have been 14. Anyway I plan to play on Whitemane. Had planned to play with friends but I’m getting the feeling they won’t be quite into it. Hit me up KyleGG#5350 on disc or KyleGG#1418 blizzard.

Can’t remember what happened to that guild. Vonrebel got banned?

Anyway Im looking at an old MC screenshot and lots of people in this thread from Gunkata, Yourself, Dionysus, and Daydreamer are all present.

If I recall Dionysus was the one who helped me when I first hit 60. Told me to get a ton of + healing gear, where to get it.

I remember Watergun, I was Bearcat (alliance) back then. I am rolling Unead Priest this time around.

Yo! I was Drjack - Undead Warrior - back in Fatal days.

I remember you and Armistice. I was over on Ally side (Nospheratu, human lock). I was in a guild with TakenDark (i can’t remember the guild name at all) but ended up moving to Horde and playing there more. I remember all those names you mentioned. In fact, Lottadots still plays and I have him friend listed. He’s on another server I play horde on.

This trip down memory lane is wild.

Some familiar names around here.

Troll Hunter Montyzuma. I’m looking for some Death Minions.

Garipeto - Undead Warlock - I honestly can’t remember guild names other than leveling in Swarm, merged at some point to start raiding… Hi.
Naked Assassins… asssseeeeemmmbbbllleeee