Hahaha it’s officer Azanzel
Name: Jackk
Class: Warrior
Guild: Blink
Race: Human
What up
So Blink, you guys plan to raid again? What server we rolling?
You horse riding bastard!
Name: Sciz
Class: Mage
Guild: Blink
Race: Gnome
And didn’t it take you 6 months to grind that bloody thing out?
Well, I managed to create an Alliance character on both Mankrik (Normal) and Faerlina (PvP), so let’s see what happens. I’m planning to main a Dwarf Priest this time around.
Angelique - Human (female) paladin
Goldtooth - Gnome rogue
Guilds (I’ll forget a few for sure):
Wyrms Red Army, Mythical Guardians (raiding as part of MLA up to Naxx), Apex.
Non-guildies might recognize me from living in front of Iron Forge dueling people for hours on end, or random World pvp/dueling.
Not sure if I’m coming back or not (or if Horde or Alliance), but if I do it’ll be very casually since I’m not a 19 year old single kid with a part time job anymore
Hayzel - Money here (rogue from letalis)
Name: Popinski
Class: Warrior (and many, many alts)
Guild: Blink
Race: Gnome
I can’t remember some of the names, but this guild was amazingly fun to log into every day, drama and all! Super casual guild, but we powered through some of the content. We didn’t stand a chance against the likes of Letalis (hardcore raiders), but what we accomplished was fun as well. Our PvP side was decent as well, forging a fun frenemy situation with the likes of Catchtwentytwo (horde hunter, forgot the guild but they were heavy PvP grinders). I am still a bit upset that the first Thunderfury we got went to the night elf warrior who joined super late (and didn’t put in his due diligence in pot material or gear farming) instead of Bothi or myself, but I’m long over that!
I THINK the human priest guild leader’s in game name was Flux, but for sure his love interest was Minuet, a Human Warlock!
Other names that ring a bell: Bothi, Doub, Lyta, Andwarf, FRISBEE!!!, Dezzy, Niiki, Mindtrickz, and many others that should not feel offended if I didn’t mention.
Yea, Money, Hayzel I do remember u both, lets start together on release, btw have u seen Benix or Iconoclast around?
Hey Pop, put some bass in your voice
Ha, whatsup Auron, we used to roll together back in the day was a healing dwarf pally, 3v3 arena team with that druid season 1 and 2, was in relavare, i remember there was several of us that changed guilds together into DT i think, stayed together until the server jump, let me know what server u jump on id love to get the group back together
Name: Malikide
Class: Pally
Guild: Destinys Twilight,
Race: Dwarf
Heally Pally, PVP mostly but raided MC, ZG, BWL completed the lvl 70 jump but didnt make it much after that, real life snuck up on me
Holy crap man long time how have ya been? I still play believe it or not I did end up quitting for awhile during wotlk but came back when mists of pandaria came out.
I don’t think it has been said anywhere on the Azshara thread but a lot of the old school players that I know and myself will be rolling on Whitemane. Hit me up on my battle tag or discord.
I’ll be on Herod alliance, playing a character named Mhm, Wows, or Fad.
heck ya, whitemane was where i was headed with a few work friends, will link up
cyd here, from letalis msg me on discord :shyndo#1303 or on bnet shyndo#1572
We are setting up the old out for war guild on Fairbanks, made my name already sugarme will be with me as well btw this is Papadwarf
OMG Sciz! No ways, a week and a half during the AQ war effort