Azshara Alliance Reconnections

Sup, this is Human Paladin Gangzilla from guild Letalis and im about to destroy some classic server with my awsomeness as soon as it came out, where my homeboys at? R U with me?


Say hi to Nerion for me. All hail the Scarab Lord!

Runo - Night Elf Hunter, ended up in Letalis

Name: Azanzel
Class: Rogue
Guild: Blink
Race: Gnome

First Gnome on the server to ride an alliance horse =).

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I totally remember you. We should play together sometime. Add me: Crony#1130.

Has anyone heard from Swampfox/Empwnada lately?

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Out for War? I was a rogue named Rezum in Out for War and Flurry United if anyone remembers any of that, I’m ready to get back in the glory days of WoW lol… what happened to Papadwarf, Sugarme, Dravenelf, Crankster, Tma, Kelindra…we had some good times…

i def remember Letalis, y’all was the heat back then!

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Name: Scoggins
Class: Warrior
Guild: Honor And Valor
Race: Human

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Hey team, I played on Azshara when it opened, was one of the founding members of Letalis with Nerion and Fig. I remember Gangzilla and a few other names.

Name: Money
Class: Rogue
Guild: Letalis
Race: Night Elf

Looking for a human mage named Dynasty, or the tauren hunter Chingy.

Name: Dunrik
Race: Dwarf
Class: Paladin
Guild: Out for War
Players: Papadwarf, Ironfoot, Crankster, Darthgotto, anyone else from the old OFW team. One of my remaining alts is still the GM of OFW on Azshara :stuck_out_tongue:


Rezum! Yep FU, OFW and Old Guard…I was rogue Amosxxe , with Rez, Odin ,Ses, Sugar! Rez they are still around…Not sure if Crankster, Tma, Kelindra, Tandy, Korla, Merland

How the hell have you been?!?! It has been forever since we left Azshara to Gorgonnash for Old Guard. We had some good times in OFW, hopefully we could repeat the past.

Yo! Let me get an invite to OFW boss!

Played on Azshara for most of vanilla, then ended up on Malfurion.
Was in Flurry United, Out For War (briefly), Affliktion.
Rolling on Herod-Alliance if it matters.

Its amazing, I completely forgot the name of my first guild until reading this post, and then it clicked.

Player name: Durmac
Race: Dwarf
Class: Paladin
Guild: Blink

I do however remember raiding into Naxx. Would this have still been with Blink, or do I forget what happened after Blink?

Name: Blazrael
Class: Warlock
Guild: Blink
Race: Human

Hi boys.

So what server are we rolling on for Classic is all I wanna know!!! lol…get that rogue squad back


Well I used to raid a lot back in those days.

Night Elf Druid

Anyone from Letalis, please message me. I’d love to pvp again!

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Remember Hayzel? Pretty sure I made 99% of raids and pvp hehe