Azj-Kahet Spoilers

Warcraft 3’s manual seems to imply the Nerubians struck first. Maybe they should have avoided the Lich King at all cost or maybe the Lich King would have focused on them soon enough regardless of provocation.

iirc the Lich King was on the prowl for fodder for his undead army. He would’ve attacked them as soon as he found them.


I mean this is the part Neferess can theoretically claim that Anub’arak “asked” for the war. Like he did strike first and while it is true it might have been only a matter of time before the Lich King attacked the Nerubians this is still speculative. For all we know Ner’zhul might have ignored them and continued his focus on the Eastern Kingdoms if they didnt strike first.

Would Neferess be telling the truth, though?

That last diplomat is still alive. However he’s under the impression that he’s the last survivor of Azjol-Nerub.

Sadly we can’t inform the guy of the Azjol-anak. Hoping that changes.


I wonder if the Ajol-Anak are going to take Xal’s deal and show up as nerubian mutates in TLT

Since there were dreadlords running around helping to establish the Scourge in Northrend, it’s also possible that Anub’arak and his magically oriented servants recognized it as the planetary threat it was and tried to stop it knowing what the real enemy was behind the undead.

The involvement of demons in the Scourge was kept pretty well hidden in the EK right up until Arthas was fully roped into things, probably so the likes of the high elves and Kirin Tor wouldn’t recognize the nature of the threat and pounce on it, but with the Guardian and Order of Tirisfal gone since the First War, the nathrezim may have been more openly involved in Northrend figuring there weren’t any globally active anti-Legion entities left who would detect them in that part of the world and react accordingly.


I doubt it. Considering that they are still against the Old Gods and thus the void even after the War of the Spider happened. Since they tell us to kill the minions of the Old Gods within the Old Kingdom.

Plus unlike the Mantid and the Aqir, they did not heed the call of N’zoth either. Although N’zoth had nothing to gain in Northrend unlike Uldum and the Vale. So maybe he never bothered to try and recruit them into the fold.

I really hope after the raid we get to meet that poor nerubian and tell him that his people yet live that some continue and the eggs were saved. His people will thrive in the frozen wastelands. They yet may live and a new Spider King be named once all is said and done.


Mr. Sunflower returns, this time his patients are his fellow Nerubians.


I hope he eats the Feral Non-Sapient relations of his species(I am referring to the true Spiders)!

The only Non-Sapient Spiders that need to exist are the Daddy Long Legs! All others are abominations against Spider-Kind and must be purged for the sake of the safety of Sapient Spiders and Humanity!

So it looks like from the max level campaign every ‘ascended’ Nerubian is now a potential void finger puppet Xal’atath can seize control of at will.

Also we need to get better and not walking into her traps.

Like how Harbinger took control of Collectors in Mass Effect 2?

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Queen Ansurek is revealed in the max-level quests to have usurped her mother by using her as the first test subject for the ascension process, turning her into a giant mindless monstrosity. The Weaver assumes that she’s too far gone and they should give her a mercy kill, but Voss vehemently disagrees. Seemingly driven by her experience as a Forsaken, she argues that as long as something is still there, it’s worth trying and not just writing the old queen off as a lost cause.

Ansurek devolves to the point she has her propagandists demand all loyalists ascend to prove their devotion up in the upper class districts, and has her spies just start outright kidnapping people from the lower ones. In the latter endeavor she’s aided by a few Void Ethereals, seemingly serving the one who’s a boss in her raid.


not gonna lie, i really don’t think there’s much to like about this new iteration of the nerubians if you like the old iteration at all. aside from the aesthetics, there doesn’t appear to be much (if anything)* connective between the two versions of the race. some tidbits have been fun and interesting, but the very foundations of this idea for the lore are kinda like the centaur from dragonflight: seemingly there because a recognizable race was required but not so much so that they really needed to care about fidelity to earlier proofs of concept; e.g., the stuff with the nerubian language is just an out-and-out retcon. the nerubian language had a legible script, and it had phonetic components. it wouldn’t have been too hard for the developers to find this out for themselves. like, even making them conscripts for the void is sort of a stupid plot point – they’re naturally resistant to psychic control. i think honestly the decision to include them has very little to do with any of what the nerubians used to be. so far it appears that they’re just convenient generic shadowy villains for the first patch of the expansion.

(i return to briefly edit and note: i would be delighted to be proven wrong by the plot. i know i sound intensely pessimistic, but i also dunno what the final outcome of the plot will be. that said, many parts of how the nerubians are being presented [along with the arathi and earthen generally, to be honest] remind me greatly of the rollout of dragonflight lore, and those parts were in hindsight indicators of some pretty large issues. that is all i mean to verbosely say.)

Reading this summary, I only get flashbacks to Elisande and Suramar… and Denathrius and Revendreth… and we will probably see something similar in Midnight with the Amani. :slight_smile:

Reading this summary, I only get flashbacks to Elisande and Suramar… and Denathrius and Revendreth… and we will probably see something similar in Midnight with the Amani. :slight_smile:

Obvious ragebait with nothing of any substance or value beyond that is obvious ragebait with nothing of any substance or value beyond that.


I came all the way here… for this. How disappointing, you’re blocked.

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And what if he is right? I forsee only two possible allied races for Midnight, either high elves or Amani troll. It will be fun either way to see people’s reaction.

This is very disappointing to hear. I loved the Nerubians and was looking forward to them re-emerging post Scourge.