Azhaar's Bogus Journey

Don’t worry, when we find the Philosopher class locked away in another closet, they’ll handle this.


I have done the centaur zone. I like the centaur zone. The zone music is unbelievably chill. I could play that on loop for deep sleep and pleasant dreams.

Story-wise, I had quite a bit of fun. Not that it was particularly deep or complex; Blizzard never misses an opportunity to play a tired old trope dead straight, like how the clan who are jerks at first immediately betray us. Still and all, I think I’d only be upset by that if I were expecting better. FFXIV this is not. It was straightforward, cartoonish, unchallenging, and ultimately fun.

Azhaar hoofprint of approval.

Oh, dumb question, Az.

Did you ever do the Firelands Legendary Staff on any of your alts?

You get something fun at cap from the Blue Dragon Flight if you’ve completed that legendary questline.

Also bring a bucket of popcorn, a warm comfy blanket and a box of tissues because it is gonna be a ride.

“New Thing Bad” is a surprisingly common trope in Blizzard, I notice.

Oh, if you weren’t aware, you can skip directly to the end of Siege of Orgrimmar now by clicking on a scroll to the right of Lorewalker Cho at the start of the raid, so you can just go in and beat the cheeks off of Garrosh without the log slog to get to him.

Easier access to the mount and the mounting disappointment of years grinding for a pair of shoulders with a pitiful drop rate, but my dream of rolling a Gnome Warrior with the shoulders, and now the new Gorehowl model, will not be denied.

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When it comes to what races/specs I play, if something doesn’t click with me right away, it’s usually done forever.

I made it a point to get my evoker out of the starting zone and now he sits on my login screen collecting dust. I’ll probably end up deleting him by the end of the year.

Wow. I had the opposite experience. Dragonriding is one of the best parts of the game. Old world flying seems so mediocre compared to it. It’s not just the speed, but the way the game feels like it has physics to it and the effects that are put in front of you when you do a quick boost forward.

Evoker is kind of a heartbreaker for me because I hate the appearance of them, I get nothing out of their lore, but I really like the mechanics.

I truly wish I could just turn off the part of my brain that makes me think of Sonichu whenever I see one walking around, but I’m too internet poisoned.

Regarding their lore, I think Blizzard is really really bad at retroactively fitting new stuff into their setting. Which again is a heartbreaker, because the individual characterization of the Dracthyr we meet has actually been great (not quite Pandaren great but still pretty good)

The centaurland quest chain had me unlock another feature of dragonriding; I notice there are several at the top of the skills page locked behind quests or achievements, so maybe getting all those is what makes the whole thing worked. This one, from the green dragons, was about putting wind gust thingies on the map that’re supposed to give you a boost.

Took me long enough to encounter one that I started to think it was bugged. But eventually, there it was! Little tornado, with an icon on the mini-map and everything. So of course I got on my dragon and swooped through it for that boost.

Shot me straight upward into the air and killed my forward momentum completely, so I had to burn a vigor to avoid crashing.

I hate everything about this entire system.

Seriously, whose idea was “flying, but faster, and you can only face downwards”?

Do you like dragonriding

You can only fly downward

It’s falling, with :sparkles: STYLE! :sparkles:

I’ll take dragon flying over regular flying any day of the week, even if you can’t hover or fly forever. It’s more fun. You go faster. You look cool. Checks all the boxes.

Az, pro tip. Use the flap up ability while facing slightly upwards. This is your best ability to ascend. Never do the burst of speed facing upwards, but do use it to gain downward speed quick for vigor regen. If you’re starting from a landed position, you should give your dragon the spurs with the 3 vigor speed boost off the bat. Always go as fast as possible, but give your dragon a second or two between spamming abilities. There are diminishing returns.

And if you’re running low on vigor, land and use the time portal ability thing, then dive bomb at full speed somewhere for as long as possible to restore vigor. Then time warp back to wherever you were and proceed.

Easy peasy. Soon, you’ll be an expert dragon flyer, and you’ll never know how you lived without it.


It’s peculiar to me how badly Dragonflight’s story stinks in entirely different ways than Shadowlands’ story stank. Progress?

I will say that for those who do not have any disabilities that may affect your ability to look cool while going fast on a dragon, I have heard that it’s an amazing thing and a welcome feature.

Being genuine, it seems like something I would love if my situation were different.

What time portal thing? What 3 vigor speed boost? I have no idea what any of this is.

After collecting glyphs and progressing down the riding skill hierarchy thing, you get an ability where your dragon does a barrel roll and goes to max speed, which is what he means by “3 vigor speed boost”. The time portal is another riding skill you get through glyphs which lets you teleport back to a point (kinda like a warlock gate? idk I never really used it), so you can use it to place yourself back in the sky.

Anyway I would echo the people recommending just grabbing all glyphs and unlocking the talents as early as possible, it takes maybe an hour or two and makes vigor mostly a non-issue.

I also wasn’t really into evokers… maybe just on a visual level their fireballs and stuff look like “I’m shining a flashlight at you!!” instead of the chonky fireballs I’d like to be barfing up as a dragon. It is often an issue I have in WoW where, unless you’re shooting chaos bolts or pyroblasts, the spell visuals lack the impact and sfx that melee get

Quick Question, does anyone else go “BWAAAAAAAAAARGH!!!” at their screen when they use their Dragon Lasers as an Evoker?

For folks in your situation, Norm, I hope the regular flight change comes soon so you’re not physically in pain playing this game. That isn’t any fun.

I made you an instructional video because… I wanted to.


Listen to this guy! You’re the man, Topsail.