Azhaar's Bogus Journey

Victory for…

Wait, no.

I’ve gotten distracted from my Shadowlands run.

I like to play low-mental-effort video games on my second monitor while I catch up with whatever hour-long video essays my Youtubers have put out this week. Civ is good for that, but so is very old MMO content that I’ve done a million time. New content I’m paying attention to, not so much, so my SL run is out.

So I made a babby void elf and started running through Legion with my brain half turned off while watching my shows, but then the shows all finished and now I’m in the Nightborne storyline and actually paying attention to it and I kind of don’t feel like going back to Oribos.

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I picked up the darn game. Who is still playing.


How much of a pain in the posterior is it gonna be to unlock SL flying?

Enekie with a visible face just looks…incorrect. Pull yourself together, elf.

I’m barely playing but I am.

Blizzard and WoW team’s entire philosophy in and out of the game has had a radical shift.
Inclusivity and being very progressive is the name of the game for WoW. With the big controversy in 2020, there’s been the removal of essentially anything that could remotely get them a lawsuit. (including, to my chagrin, the funny flirt voice emotes).

Content wise- there has been dramatically more discussion with the community about the upcoming plans for content for the game. Every time they release something new, the next day they discuss what’s on the horizon. We’ve had a visible plan of the expansion since day 1- with new stuff being added along the line.

Indeed, I think there has been just more stuff added to the game on a regular basis than in the past.

Outside of the game, on the social media aspect- it definitely seems like it’s being run now by more young meme-culture people- which is pretty cool because they come up with some really funny stuff on it. I may go and compare a 2018 era wow social post to a 2022-2023 one and it’s probably night and day.

2020 had a dramatic impact on WoW. It definitely feels like it’s being run by different people nowadays. I have really enjoyed it personally, though some of the removal of old content for the sake of being ultra-politically correct has me roll my eyes.

That being said, I think the game is probably at its best right now since Legion

I take it you mean the movie and not the Chelsea Quinn Yarbro novel. Because Comte St. Germain in SL would have rocked.

There’s kind of a soothing quality to Rotation-based gameplay. I’m enjoying the new talent trees and also being a Rogue.

I’m bored, though, so if you want to be battlenet friends drop your handle here.

Hang on… You used to be on my battlenet friends. Was it something I said?

I can’t wait for Azhaardest to meet the gay centaurs.

Add me on MySpace it’s thrallxxisxxhotxrosex

Shoot, I recall cleaning out my battletag list because it was depressing me to see a lot of names who weren’t around anymore. I might have caught you in the crossfire.

Oh man that hits home.

I still have the lead of my old draenei RP guild from way back in Mists; I’m the last one in it. I was keeping it preserved just in case any of those familiar old names ever came back to the game.

Then the original founder suddenly came back online and asked for guild leadership back so he could restart it. I gave it to him, he immediately purged every inactive name, then went offline for a week, abruptly came back and said he was joining a different RP guild and dipped. So I’m really alone in there now.

Still pissed about it.

I really should probably just let the thing die, maybe join another guild or make up a vanity guild for the title, like on my forum posting character here. It’s hard to let go, though.

Wow, dragonriding sucks. I don’t suppose there’s any chance we get to unlock regular flying in the Dragon Isles later? Cos this is miserable. I swear this is the most clumsy, awkward thing they’ve added since that stupid bird-jousting quest in Hyjal back in Cataclysm. In fact, dragonriding is basically that, except replacing a core mechanic of the game.

That aside, I’m really liking Dragonflight so far.

Yeah, I’ll get back to Shadowlands eventually. It’s just so…boring. I had to get outta there for a while.

Have you collected all the glyphs yet? Dragon riding goes from clunky to infinitely better and smoother when you have all the abilities unlocked. And once you collect the glyphs you’ve got them account wide, never have to collect them again on your alts.


Gonna echo Bates here, Glyphs make Dragon Riding go from an “Ugh which mental pygmy made this system?” to something you’ll struggle to understand how you lived without it.

Once you’ve had a few weeks with it and you head back to normal flying, normal flying feels incredibly tedious and slow despite the ease of hitting auto-run and just alt-tabbing while you fly to your destination.

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*unless you have physical disabilities that affect it, which result in making Dragonriding absolutely horrible and honestly, literally painful.

Also, yes. Old world flying is coming soon to Dragonflight and frankly for people like me who have those disabilities, it cannot come soon enough.



Yeah, just because Blizzard gets to be ableist, racist, and generally insensitive in their game doesn’t mean you should be.

In fact, this is official Blizzard policy, as evidenced by the fact that I can’t name a guild < Poop Quest > despite this being a venerable World of Warcraft tradition.


I have been misled.

By the power of Handynotes I now have all the glyphs, and dragonriding still sucks. The talent unlocks mitigate how much it sucks but it’s still just overly complicated and offers no benefit over conventional flying. Just let me fly, Blizzard.

I don’t mind Dragonriding.

I completely get what Azhaar is saying and, honestly, I think they’ve got the right of it. It is legitimately a bigger waste of time than mounting my Wyvern and ascending twelve feet straight up.

But Dragonriding is kind of the point of the expansion. You can call it dumb and be right the same way you can say you hate seafood and be right, but then people will ask you why you came to a lobster joint.