Nye HighWarlord / Resto Druid /// Sacrifice
Hey, how you been, man? I believe we may have! Gonna do it again?
Drol/Chaos: Rehabilitation Clinic, Brutality, MechanicalYeti
Its good to see some familiar names around here. I’ve played on and off for the past couple of years. Most likely going to roll Horde on Stalagg.
BT- Chaos#16397
Gonna have to have Tweak sell me a car, dammit.
OMG!!! Zack attack?
Harrington Tauren Shaman Hyperion
Krogeth Troll Rogue ëxtinct
Rowend, UD priest, PvPed a lot, ayyy guys
edit: also talk to grimskull the shaman all the time still
Anyone remember the guild “Reroute to Remain” in the TBC era? A lot of us came over from Gul’Dan I think and we started the guild up on Azgalor.
Sagacity of ALE, Horde Shaman.
Soooooooo many familiar names here <3
Shoutout to Ninwa for preserving my old PvP video. I lost it years ago. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SwHiQGRZcA4&feature=em-comments
Drhateful - UD Priest Poocrayon - UD Mage
Wrong name.
Vanilla = Coocoo, annoying/15 year old Tauren Hunter with Elysium
Wrath = Pumbaa/Churchie Tauren/Orc/Goblin Hunter with Common Sense, Defiance, and some other guilds. I also played a Paladin called Khahya and a druid called UhOh.
After Wrath = Churchie, Orc Hunter
oh look its my favorite orc rogue. hey sexy hows it been
Frist - Gnome Warrior alliance sucked tbh
Sort - Tauren Warrior
Muinfah/Krave - Undead Priest
ALE, (can’t remember 2nd name), Third Iteration, Infiniti
Hafnium where you at bro?? 2 Man Army is missing a member.
SharkPorn#1337 on discord
what up its questlife boomkin
hell ya!! my man bakka
Narsys/Arylon/Snooki/Phatcow (battletag Narsys#1678), I played in these guilds over the years (and a few more im sure that im forgetting):
Saves The Day
Smoke and Mirrors
Damage Inc
Perfect Insanity
Virtual Dragon Slayers
Naturally Pro
Rehabilitation Clinic
Inevitably Pro
sooo, we rolling herod?
bakka you still around?
My goodness…