Great to see old mechanical yeti people out in the wild, and i def plan on making a 29 twink in classic, I hope I run into generio at some point, i also talked to cowmorenoob and bearal on reddit, and still talk to shrinkage as well.
Slyux Undead Mage
I cant remember any of my guild names lol
Played with a great group of guys through BRD leveling to 60 about three months before release of TBC
Are you rolling on Herod?!?
I think I am going to roll a priest.
Rolling on Stalagg, joining up with horde side. Gonna be an orc hunter this time around so i can see my shoes and resist the stuns.
too much traffic I don’t want to spend half my playtime in que
Frizzy Undead Priest. Raided with Bloodlust and Nemesis. Looking for Zodiacx, Lady, and Daximus.
Was in Jolly Rodges for TBC
Blood Lust, Son!
Jase - Undead Rogue - High Warlord - Judecca and Shadow of Death
Rolling on Faerlina as Jase was taken on other realms already
Heey, What’s up, Doc? Long time no see
What’s up man, good to see ya rolling classic!
Hey boys.
Lithnor - Warlock (Prophets of Pandaren, Anti-Sobriety, Volatile, Millenion, Angels of Death)
Earendur - Rogue (Sacrifice, Eidolon)
I know tons of you guys either by name or because we spent way too many hours together in MC/BWL/etc.
Been a long time. Shame we can’t just rebuild the old servers. Azgalor had some of my most favorite memories in gaming.
Edit: I should mention that somewhere around here I have a couple videos of one of the last kills of Volatile’s raid days (After Sylvi took over) and one or two of the first kills of Millenions raids. I should dig them up.
Vindu - Tauren Warrior - Infiniti
Wow the nostalgia here is real… great to see some familiar names again after all these years!
BT -Vindu #1293
So we’ve decided that our guild (and a lot of old Azgalorians) will be rolling on -STALAGG HORDE- rather than Herod to not deal with queue times and mega-server populations. Need dat “Authentic vanilla experience”
When you get hit with that 6 hour queue on release feel free to come join us on Stalagg!
If anyone is interested in joining us or just hanging out in our discord with a lot of old Azgalor vets join our discord:
Levythian Tauren Warrior Prophets of Pandaran, Hyperion, Volatile, Millenion, Eidolon
Abachabiji Tauren Hunter of Hyperion, Volatile, Millenion, Eidolon
Wargishi Orc Warrior of Dark Legion, Persecution, Eidolon
Ramnora - Undead Priest of Eidolon
Bijini - Troll Mage of Anti Sobriety
Looking for anybody who still remembers me. I sadly never stopped playing. Hit me up Levythian#1349.
LFG UBRS, might fall asleep mid run tho.
Do you have the video of me making Enyalus(Sp?) cry during one of our first onyxia kills? Also, haiiii.
i wouldn’t miss it baby
Jase! whats up man. I believe we hit HWL on the same week!
I don’t have that video. I actually only have the videos that I do have because I randomly met someone back in 2006 or 2007 that raided with us out in the wild. It was really cool too.