Azgalor Alliance Reconnections

Silentangel/Dared NE Priest and NE rogue in Brutality and Valiant


Kasuya Nelf Warr
Azul Knights (didnt last long)
I had played with a Nelf Hunter named Helioz a few times and we did well together especially in pvp. If anyone else recognizes me that would be cool too. I rolled with another NE Warr named Diablito, and A NE rogue named Zenn.

Morraine… now that’s a name I haven’t seen in a long time.

Kythe (CiTN, ALE)

Gaspless - Human warlock
Guild - Fear

Kaari - Human Priest & Saori - Human Rogue
Guilds - Vengeance of Azeroth, Rangers of QuelThalas, Dark Enforcers


Chillin - Gnome Mage
Uber and Vengeance of Azeroth

I remember you, Nutty. My best friend and I always recall a time when you decimated a few guys in PvP outside Gurubashi Arena.

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Thread brings back the old days…

Lillo - Gnome Warrior
Lots of guilds… most memorable were ëminence, Valiant and Celestial Darkness

There’s still a good bunch from ëminence, Apex, PiaS, RD and Brethren still playing for BFA in Azgalor few months ago.


Etaoin - Night Elf Druid
August Knights through Vanilla then a ton of others over the years

Nedlinin - Dwarf Priest
Guilds: Ordo Solaris, Departed Soulz, Pink Attack Bunnies.

Did a bit of PVP and ran a Ventrilo that the PVP groups on our server used for awhile.


Ichigo - NE Hunter

Hey nerrrrd
Heal me in MC kthx
<3 Ichigo

Delzar Night Elf hunter!

I remember you. I played Alliance and Horde on that server for a while. I played my Tauren Shaman - Kocoa more than anything. I had a Dwarf Priest named Helgaa in the alliance guild Valiant though.

Hey Silentangel, I remember you. I was in Valiant as well as a Dwarf Priest named Helgaa or Human Warrior named Zaleon. I eventually left to Horde to pursue PvP on my Tauren Shaman - Kocoa though.

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I remember some of you Righteous Dawn guildies, I think I raided with you a few times on my Dwarf Priest - Helgaa, but I was in Valiant for most of my time on Azgalor that I recall.

I remember your gnome warrior! I haven’t really kept up with any Valiant people, it was a fun guild for the most part, but it had alot of drama back in the day too! lol

Hey hookers, not playing classic but wanted to see what oldies surfaced here.

Gustave - NE Rainbow Warrior / Glass Cannon

Ordo Solaris / End Result

Sup chown, long time

I saw you in general chat and wondered if that was you…

Will probably make a character, but not looking to play classic seriously.

Starrman - Gnome Warlock|Ordo Solaris
Strawman - BE Mage|Hellscream Raiders (BC)