oh wow…ya man def remember you! Brethren rogues were legit! Nephlite, taylorb, etc.
Ridnour…you sexy beast, its Inwe
Got a bunch of Genesis people on Kromcrush - Horde. Come say Hi.
I’m playing pve cause I’m chicken. I also have approximately 10 minutes a week to play, what with kiddos and work. I’ll add you pk!
Nah, Sindri was the rogue who helped stack the reckoning bomb.
-Cheezefrog/Brawly - PiaS
Holy s**t, Uthelanos and Tmoney! I didn’t think I would see your names again!
Add me on BattleNet: pkdrdoom#1133
Glad to see you guys again!
holy cow! i completely forgot about ankle biters, glad you’re alive too Zera!
Oh wow. brought a smile to my face to see the name Foilole again. I hope all is well with you. Many memories back then.
Soulrapture, or Soulreaper here, bunch of different versions. I see quite a few people on here I know. I quit playing for a long time, friend talked my into messing around with classic for a bit Stanger87#1488
Wow the names on this thread bring back some serious memories.
I was Krazon, originally with Cunnradh but we merged with House Sole in TBC. MLA was one hell of an undertaking. Props to you for doing it as long as you did.
Dang, so wild to see so many familiar names after all this time! Was alliance since launch, then rerolled in wotlk.
I mostly stuck with small friends guilds (beyond some stints with aegis eternal, uber, RD, etc) and pvp’d:
Keresh - Human Mage - warcraftrealms . com/charsheet/9302196
Kereseh - NE Priest
Shwii - UD priest
Sounds like most peeps went to Stalagg so I’ll prob roll there. If anyone needs a vending machine (i’ll be maining mage again) hmu! <3 shwee#1763
Sheniah, Human Rogue, Mostly PVP
MadisonRose, Human Priest, Raids and PVP
Guild was some Monty Python reference, like “Knights who say Ni!”
Corleone!!! I recognize a lot of names, but you and Alventenie are the first down the list that I’m not already still in touch with I think. What’s up dude?
Insaetia - NE Priest
Zissou / Brethren
Just on here scouting out some long-forgotten names. Playing Horde casually on Sulfuras with Coldflesh and a bunch of folks from TBC like Nah.
Oh hey there! Been a long time since I talked to you Insaetia.
I rolled horde on Mankrik with people from my current guild for the experience since a lot of them hadn’t played vanilla before.
Hope things are going awesome for you though!
Whoa!?! PK, Tmoney, Uth, Sol, Uts…its Knowledge the lock what year is this?
Hi Insae!
How’s the gorilla life treating you? (hopefully that joke isn’t lost on you…)
I will always miss hanging out with you and mahlspar in BC.
hey guys, flats here, was a friend of tressa’s and moonstone’s
I remember a female NE Druid named Xandra or Xandris (an X name) whom I played a lot with and helped me out a lot as I couldn’t figure toons.
Think my character was Ekeh, Klevis. Usually a Gnome.
If you see this, message me on Moon Guard Walther or Ludvik.
Good times. Wish I wrote down all the other names.
(I was in a knights who say ni guild as well.
Now there’s a name I remember!