Azgalor Alliance Reconnections

Hey I was in Pink Attack Bunnies as my human priest Stanna.

I was RL friends with guild leader Sciar, I remember a lot of the names I see posted here, so many memories. So many memories raiding MC. Shout outs to any of the people from those good old days hope to see you back in classic!

Lemodas (NE hunter)
Ordo Solaris for days
Ecliptic Shadow back in '04-'05

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Eyyy starrmannnn. I remember you!

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Hey dude, I remember you from the WotLK days!

To any old RD members still looking through here. I have a group of us going Incendius PvP for classic release on Horde. Feel free to join us. You can message me through our bnet group - XMa2uE0n or directly through my tag - turnip#1422

RIDNOUR!! The honorary hunter in BRHunter!!


So what server is everyone playing on? It would be nice to see some familiar faces in Ironforge!



You guys are making me feel nostalgic. I started playing wow on Azgalor from day 1.

I crossed paths and raided with a lot of you.

Codywolf - NE Hunter
Rubber- Gnome Mage

I was in Red Wyrms army, Brethren , Mythical Guardians , and many others.

Where is everyone gonna be on classic launch? I think im gonna go horde this time around.

Old Gods of Azgalor / Zissou people are playing Alliance on Faerlina. You are welcome to join us. Elvar#1368 if you are interested.

Hey :slight_smile:

I’m not sure where from as I was in a few guilds but I sure wasn’t in VoA, as I would remember it :slight_smile:

Hey Mich, I’m not even sure I’ll have time to play at all, haha.

But I did have lots of fun in PVP during classic :slight_smile: was great meeting and playing with you all!!

Man I remember a lot of names here, Athenas, NE war. Was in Valiant, Social Butterflies, and lastly in Uber.

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Hey Nuhtee (Nutty??). Deckard\Bättlemaster here. Me and Megelvagor and other peeps are playing again too.

Malek , Human Rogue from Valiant. Nice to see some familiar names!

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In light of all of the projected Queue insanity for Herod, I ended up moving to Stalagg (PvP) along with many Assgalorians. I’m rolling an Alliance midget there. Have fun!

whoa It’s the man the myth and the legend

Eluinight- Night elf druid- Eternal Twilight

Hey Nutty ! Mathelan here, I was in Uber and DP with you thru MC-AQ40 and NAxx. Rithnya, Seraphial, and I are playing Horde on Incendius too

Hey there Azgalor!

Kyoukan - Night Elf Rogue.
Righteous Dawn (briefly)
Risen Phoenix

Used to run 20-man Pugs of Qiraj, Zul Gurub, Onyxia and general Blackrock Mountain.

I’ve been part of a few other top guilds during Vanilla through BC.

I hope all is well! I’ll be starting on Whitemane (PVP) But might move to another depending on Rebirth of oldschool Guilds
Looking forward to seeing all!

Hi Ichigo :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

  • Nockz - NE Hunter from Brethren
    I’ll be playing on Bigglesworth

wogani - night elf druid
kinesis - draenei shaman